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Feb 6, 2025

[Answer] Who is the only President to appear on U.S. currency while still alive?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who is the only President to appear on U.S. currency while still alive?"

...In 1866, Congress enacted a law banning the portrayal of living individuals on American currency. However, this precedent was surprisingly broken in 1926 when Calvin Coolidge appeared on a commemorative coin celebrating the 150th anniversary of American independence. To mark the occasion, the Philadelphia Mint issued a half dollar featuring Calvin Coolidge and George Washington on the obverse. What makes this even more remarkable is that Coolidge was not only alive but was also serving as President at the time, making him the only sitting president ever to appear on U.S. currency.

[Answer] 7. A Southern man with a low I.Q. fights in Vietnam, meets the president, falls in love, and plays a whole lot of ping pong.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. A Southern man with a low I.Q. fights in Vietnam, meets the president, falls in love, and plays a whole lot of ping pong."

...1. Bridge on the River Kwai 2. Sling Blade 3. Forrest Gump 4. Platoon Stars Tom Hanks and Sally Field. "Forrest Gump" came out in 1994 and is directed by Robert Zemeckis.

[Answer] 5. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of cholera?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of cholera?"

...1. vomit 2. headaches 3. appendicitis 4. diarrhea Cholera causes all of these EXCEPT appendicitis. The appendix is just something left over from our ancestors. If it becomes inflamed, it must be taken out.

[Answer] 4. What is commonly known as a cow-pie?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. What is commonly known as a cow-pie?"

...1. Fecal material from the bovine species 2. A dessert that a cow baked for you 3. A beef dessert fit for consumption 4. A get-together with cows where you eat pie That's right, no matter how delicious it sounds, a cow-pie is nothing more than digested waste from a cow.

[Answer] 3. Bullock is my real surname, 'Private Dancer' my biggest earner, Well known for my voice and legs, I am

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Bullock is my real surname, 'Private Dancer' my biggest earner, Well known for my voice and legs, I am "

...1. Tina Turner 2. Lana Turner 3. Afterburner 4. Wayne Turner Tina Turner's fifth solo album, 'Private Dancer' was an outstanding success in 1984 selling more than 20 million copies!

[Answer] 2. I have boiled my pasta, and am ready to remove the water, and rinse. I sure wish I had a ...

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. I have boiled my pasta, and am ready to remove the water, and rinse. I sure wish I had a ..."

...1. glass bowl 2. colander 3. serving spoon 4. ladle A colander is a bowl shaped utensil with holes on the bottom and around the sides, used for draining liquid from food, such as draining water from pasta or rice. It has a sturdy base, and is usually placed in the sink, into which the contents of the pot is carefully emptied, allowing the water to drain.

[Answer] 1. Which of the following was NOT involved in the airplane attacks on United States targets that took place on 11 September 2001?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Which of the following was NOT involved in the airplane attacks on United States targets that took place on 11 September 2001?"

...1. World Trade Center, North Tower 2. Pentagon 3. World Trade Center, South Tower 4. Statue of Liberty At 8:46am, American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center; United Airlines Flight 175 flew into the South Tower at 9:03am; American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon at 9:37am; a fourth hijacked plane, United Airlines Flight 93, failed to reach its Washington DC target because passengers fought the hijackers and cause the plane to crash into a field near Shanksville PA at 10:03am. Its intended target is not known, but speculation is that it was either the White House or the Capitol. These attacks cause the deaths of around 3000 people, mostly civilians, including 246 passengers on the four hijacked planes, 125 at the Pentagon and over 2500 in New York. The exact figures for New York may never be determined.