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Dec 6, 2024

[Answer] Which actor and future James Bond starred in the TV series Remington Steele?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which actor and future James Bond starred in the TV series Remington Steele?"

...Pierce Brosnan rose to fame as the lead in the NBC romantic detective series Remington Steele. From 1982 to 1987, Brosnan captivated audiences with his portrayal as the suave and enigmatic con artist-turned-private investigator. His natural charm and charisma quickly made him a fan favorite, catapulting him into the spotlight and setting the stage for his most iconic role: James Bond. Brosnan was cast as the fifth actor to portray the British spy, starring in four films: GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World Is Not Enough, and Die Another Day.

[Answer] 6. Calibration techs have to know a little about all sorts of subjects. Which of the following are involved in calibration?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. Calibration techs have to know a little about all sorts of subjects. Which of the following are involved in calibration?"

...1. Chemistry 2. Physics 3. All of these 4. Math All of these and more are required to be a calibration technician. But don't despair! Because calibration techs are hard to find, you can often start with a modicum of knowledge and then get lots of on-the-job-training.

[Answer] 5. Adam and Eve were obviously an integral part of the Old Testament of The Bible but in which Seventeenth Century narrative poem by John Milton are they also major characters?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. Adam and Eve were obviously an integral part of the Old Testament of The Bible but in which Seventeenth Century narrative poem by John Milton are they also major characters?"

...1. Paradise Lost 2. Lycidas 3. Paradise Regained 4. Samson Agonistes "Paradise Lost" is, arguably, the greatest poetic work in the English language and Adam and Eve are high up in the list of best known duos! The work is about the "Fall of Man" and was published in 1667 in ten books. Milton was a fairly rebellious character who wrote pamphlets against the regime of Charles I. During Cromwell's Commonwealth, after the Civil War, he held public office and must have been lucky not to suffer repercussions when the monarchy was restored in 1660. By this time he was blind and needed an amanuensis to scribe for him. Nevertheless, it was during this period when he produced the majority of his major works of poetry.

[Answer] 4. This historic villain was the fifth president of Iraq, and was central in a coup d'�tat in 1968 that changed the country forever.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. This historic villain was the fifth president of Iraq, and was central in a coup d'�tat in 1968 that changed the country forever."

...1. Osama Bin Laden 2. Muammar Gadafi 3. Saladin 4. Saddam Hussein Saddam Hussein was known to watch torture of his enemies as "light entertainment" and is responsible for genocide against the Kurds, a people in Iraq desperately craving their freedom. He made use of illegal chemical warfare which not only killed the Kurds, but in a slow, painful manner. He also led an unprovoked invasion of Iran which added to the death toll.

[Answer] 3. Which is the largest city and capital of Argentina?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Which is the largest city and capital of Argentina?"

...1. Montevideo 2. Rio de Janeiro 3. Buenos Aires 4. La Plata The capital became known as Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires in 1994, when a constitutional amendment declared the city autonomous. Buenos Aires has a land area of 203 km2.

[Answer] 2. What Asian country has had a number of ruling families (such as the Qing Dynasty) that have used the image of a dragon on their flags and standards?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. What Asian country has had a number of ruling families (such as the Qing Dynasty) that have used the image of a dragon on their flags and standards?"

...1. China 2. Mongolia 3. Japan 4. India China is the largest country in the world by population and the largest Asian country in the world by land area. From 1644 until 1912, the country was ruled by the Qing Dynasty. This was the last imperial dynasty in China following the Ming dynasty and preceding the Republic of China. The Qing Dynasty chose a blue dragon on a yellow background to represent their rule. Indeed the dragon was a part of China's national flag from 1862 until 1912.

[Answer] 1. Which popular 1980's band sang "The Power of Love"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Which popular 1980's band sang "The Power of Love"?"

...1. Frank Black and the Catholics 2. Huey Lewis and the News 3. Juliette and the Licks 4. Casper And The Cookies "The Power of Love" was in the sound track for the hit 1980's movie "Back to the Future".