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Dec 4, 2024

[Ans] What is the name of the dog used as one of the tokens in the board game Monopoly?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the name of the dog used as one of the tokens in the board game Monopoly?"

While many board games use colorful little pegs as markers, Monopoly uses playing pieces often referred to as tokens. Everyone who has ever played Monopoly has their favorite token, from the top hat to the thimble or perhaps the racecar. Added in the 1950s, the Scottie Dog token quickly became one of the most loved pieces. The Scottie, in fact, is preferred by one out of five Monopoly players. It recently received the most votes to be kept (29%), after Monopoly announced it would be replacing one of its iconic tokens with a more up to date symbol.

[Answer] What is the name of the dog used as one of the tokens in the board game Monopoly?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the name of the dog used as one of the tokens in the board game Monopoly?"

...While many board games use colorful little pegs as markers, Monopoly uses playing pieces often referred to as tokens. Everyone who has ever played Monopoly has their favorite token, from the top hat to the thimble or perhaps the racecar. Added in the 1950s, the Scottie Dog token quickly became one of the most loved pieces. The Scottie, in fact, is preferred by one out of five Monopoly players. It recently received the most votes to be kept (29%), after Monopoly announced it would be replacing one of its iconic tokens with a more up to date symbol.

[Answer] 5. This Whammy did not have the best body guards. Satwant Singh and Beant Singh, who were two of her bodyguards, assassinated this Whammy on October 31, 1984 in New Delhi, India. Who was this Whammy?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. This Whammy did not have the best body guards. Satwant Singh and Beant Singh, who were two of her bodyguards, assassinated this Whammy on October 31, 1984 in New Delhi, India. Who was this Whammy?"

...1. Asha Bhosle 2. Uma Bharti 3. Mamata Banerjee 4. Indira Gandhi Indira Gandhi was born on November 19, 1917 in India. She was assassinated on October 31, 1984 at the age of 66. Her assassins both shot her while she was waiting to be interviewed by Peter Ustinov. She died on the way to the hospital but was not declared dead until many hours later. It was estimated that 31 bullets were found in her body.

[Answer] 4. Now to slake my thirst, a hit for The Eagles. What sort of sunrise were they thinking of in 1973?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. Now to slake my thirst, a hit for The Eagles. What sort of sunrise were they thinking of in 1973?"

...1. Tequila 2. Gin 3. Vodka 4. Beautiful An American rock band from California and best known for 'Hotel California'. In 2004 The Eagles were ranked at number75 in 'Rolling Stone's' Top 100 Greatest Artists of all Time. Tequila is an alcoholic drink distilled from the blue agave plant.

[Answer] 3. Blaffo is hungry so we stop at a local diner for some food. He can't read so I order some food for him. After dinner, Blaffo says, "Blaffo like, meat good, stuck on bones, sauce tangy, greasy sticks good, no like green stuff". What did I order Blaffo?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Blaffo is hungry so we stop at a local diner for some food. He can't read so I order some food for him. After dinner, Blaffo says, "Blaffo like, meat good, stuck on bones, sauce tangy, greasy sticks good, no like green stuff". What did I order Blaffo? "

...1. Hamburger and French fries 2. Macaroni and cheese 3. Spaghetti and bread sticks 4. Ribs, French fries and a salad Being a caveman, I figured he would like ribs (meat). The French fries (greasy sticks) he enjoyed also, but not with ketchup. Blaffo didn't like the salad (green stuff), but he is a caveman after all. He also might have remembered the lawn mower spitting out green stuff from earlier.

[Answer] 2. What are the series of burial tunnels under the cities of Paris and Rome known as?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. What are the series of burial tunnels under the cities of Paris and Rome known as?"

...1. Catastasis 2. Catabasis 3. Catacombs 4. Catamounts The catacombs under the city of Paris are estimated to hold the remains, most skeletal, of over six million people. The catacombs in Rome are even larger and date to about the second century A.D. Both were used for centuries and contain many miles of tunnels and small rooms between them. Both are popular tourist attraction drawing thousands of visitors each year.

[Answer] 1. What benefit do camels gain from having long eyelashes?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. What benefit do camels gain from having long eyelashes? "

...1. The eyelashes match the length of their tail 2. Attracting a mate 3. Protection of their eyes from blowing dust and sand storms 4. This is a fallacy; their eyelashes are very short Camels have a double row of long lashes to protect their eyes from blowing sand in the desert. They are also able to close their nostrils to avoid breathing sand.