Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Just to keep the hearts of the beach ladies thumping wildly, we should also resurrect this Australian actor who was born in Tasmania in 1909. En garde, "Captain Blood", you swashbuckling rebel! What is the name of this actor?"
...1. Errol Flynn
2. Clark Gable
3. Cary Grant
4. Brad Pitt
Set in the West Indies and the Caribbean, "Captain Blood" (1935), Flynn's first film of many, is your typical hero turned pirate turned hero again, with a bit of romance and lots of swordfights thrown in for good measure. All this is interwoven with the Monmouth Rebellion and King James II of England. It's gloriously, completely historically inaccurate, but a history lesson was not what filmgoers of the 1930s were interested in. They wanted action, feats of daring, lots of gory fights and romance - and that's just what Flynn gave them in most of his more than sixty films.
Born in Hobart, Tasmania, Flynn's father was a professor of biology at the University of Tassie. Flynn described his mother as coming from "sea-faring folk" and the descendants of the mutineers on Captain Bligh's ship, the "Bounty", but romantic as this was, it wasn't actually true. Ah well, why let the truth get in the way of a good yarn?
He was expelled from a posh boys boarding school in Sydney, where he had been sent to gain a good education. The reason? Fighting constantly with the other lads - and having sex with a laundress. And that just about sums up what his life would be from then on. He was wild, he was untamed, he was rebellious - and he drank like a fish.
He rose to fame in America where he had moved in 1942. There he went through the ladies as fast as he churned out the films. He took self-medicated hard drugs for chronic and ongoing back pain, he had a bad heart (preventing his fighting in the war, and which would kill him when he was fifty), malaria, the after effects of tuberculosis - and several venereal diseases. Because of his success with the ladies, Flynn's boudoir activities gave rise to the saying "In like Flynn". In short, he sounds like the average Australian male, just perfect for a party behind the sand dunes.