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Jan 28, 2019

[Answer] Which of the eight major islands in the Hawaiian Archipelago has no inhabitants?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of the eight major islands in the Hawaiian Archipelago has no inhabitants?"

...Kaho'Olawe is a scant 6 miles off the southwestern shore of Maui. It is the smallest of Hawaii's main islands. Although the island is currently uninhabited, archaeological evidence indicates that Kaho'Olawe was home to inhabitants for more than 1,000 years at one time. Hawaiian monarchs used it as a penal colony location from 1826 to 1853. Reforestation efforts began in 1910 after the island became a forest reserve, but unfortunately these efforts failed. From 1941 to 1990 the U.S. Armed Forces used the island for munitions testing and bombing exercises. In 1994, the state of Hawaii assumed control over the island. Efforts are now underway to remove unexploded ordinance and reintroduce native plants.

[Answer] In Cape Town, South Africa, what can you can do off a 1,148-foot cliff to get your adrenaline pumping?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " In Cape Town, South Africa, what can you can do off a 1,148-foot cliff to get your adrenaline pumping? "

...1. wing walk 2. indoor skydive 3. tandem paraglide 4. BASE jump

[Answer] The Duke of Wellington is best known for his victory at which battle?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The Duke of Wellington is best known for his victory at which battle?"

...The Battle of Waterloo was fought on June 18, 1815, near Waterloo in present-day Belgium, then part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. At Waterloo, Napoleon Bonaparte suffered a defeat at the hands of the Duke of Wellington, bringing an end to the Napoleonic era of European history. According to Wellington, the battle was "the nearest-run thing you ever saw in your life". The defeat at Waterloo ended the First French Empire and the political and military career of Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the greatest commanders and statesmen in history.

[Ans] The Duke of Wellington is best known for his victory at which battle?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The Duke of Wellington is best known for his victory at which battle?"

The Battle of Waterloo was fought on June 18, 1815, near Waterloo in present-day Belgium, then part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. At Waterloo, Napoleon Bonaparte suffered a defeat at the hands of the Duke of Wellington, bringing an end to the Napoleonic era of European history. According to Wellington, the battle was "the nearest-run thing you ever saw in your life". The defeat at Waterloo ended the First French Empire and the political and military career of Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the greatest commanders and statesmen in history.

Jan 27, 2019

[Ans] What nickname is stamped on every official NFL football?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What nickname is stamped on every official NFL football?"

The official game ball of the National Football League is stamped with the nickname "The Duke" in honor of Wellington Mara, the longtime owner of the New York Giants, who was named after the Duke of Wellington by his father, Tim Mara,. Wilson Sporting Goods, the manufacturer of the NFL ball since 1941, named the ball after Wellington Mara to reward his father Tim Mara for arranging the contract that made Wilson the official supplier of footballs to the NFL. The nickname was originally used from 1941 to until 1970. After Wellington Mara died in 2005, “The Duke” returned to the game ball in 2006.

[Answer] What nickname is stamped on every official NFL football?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What nickname is stamped on every official NFL football?"

...The official game ball of the National Football League is stamped with the nickname "The Duke" in honor of Wellington Mara, the longtime owner of the New York Giants, who was named after the Duke of Wellington. Wilson Sporting Goods, the manufacturer of the NFL ball since 1941, named the ball after Wellington Mara to reward his father Tim Mara for arranging the contract that made Wilson the official supplier of footballs to the NFL. The nickname was originally used from 1941 to until 1970, and Wellington Mara died in 2005, Wilson returned "The Duke" to the game ball the following year in his honor.

[Answer] On which of Earth's continents will you find most of the planet's fresh water?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "On which of Earth's continents will you find most of the planet's fresh water?"

...According to the U.S. Geological Survey, over 68 percent of Earth's fresh water supply is located in ice caps and glaciers, with just over 30 percent found in groundwater. The thick ice sheet covering Antarctica is the largest solid mass of ice on the planet. This singular, enormous frozen structure contains about 90 percent of the fresh water on planet Earth. When taken as a whole (including water found in underground aquifers), only a fraction of a percent of freshwater is found in surface waters such as rivers, lakes, swamps and ponds.