Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who is the artist behind the famous painting of "Dogs Playing Poker"?"
...Dogs Playing Poker, by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge, refers collectively to an 1894 painting, a 1903 series of sixteen oil paintings commissioned by Brown & Bigelow to advertise cigars, and a 1910 painting.
Thanks to Dogs Playing Poker, painter Cassius Marcellus Coolidge (a.k.a. C.M. Coolidge) has earned the dubious distinction of being called "the most famous American artist you've never heard of.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who is the artist behind the famous painting of "Dogs Playing Poker"?"
C.M. Coolidge:
Actually, Coolidge produced multiple paintings of dogs playing poker. The one you're probably thinking of is called "A Friend in Need" and shows a sneaky pit bull passing an ace to his buddy. Over the years, the paintings became surprisingly popular and have led to many imitators, as well as paintings of dogs playing various sports and games. Who knew? Despite this, getting your pets together to gamble is most likely not a good idea. Source: Mental Floss
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