Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. Both poems are about weather conditions. Well, if you ever travel in Germany, Austria or Switzerland I wish you nice sunny weather. So what weather condition would make you very happy to hear in the weather forecast? What is sunshine?"
...1. Sturmflut 2. Regen 3. Sonnenschein 4. Hagel "Die Sonne" is "the sun". "Sunshine" is "Sonnenschein. "Regen" is "rain", "Hagel" equals "hail" and a "Sturmflut" is a "storm tide" - all three not very nice for sight seeing... Something at last about James Kr�ss: He wrote much more than the few things I mentioned. If you want some more information, take a look at Wikipedia. I used it myself. Thank you for playing the quiz. I hope I got you interested!