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Showing posts with label subtropical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label subtropical. Show all posts

Aug 20, 2019

[Answer] Where is the largest subtropical wilderness in the U.S.?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is the largest subtropical wilderness in the U.S.?"

...As one of Florida’s crown jewels, the Everglades is the largest remaining subtropical wilderness in the United States. Located in south Florida, the wilderness covers 1.5 million acres and includes wetlands, mangrove forests, and sawgrass marshes that house rare and exotic species. And to think early land developers concluded the land was worthless and attempted to drain it. We have environmentalist Marjory Stoneman Douglas to thank for championing the crusade to “Save the Everglades.” Without her, the federal government may have paved paradise and put up a parking lot… or an international airport to be more precise.