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Showing posts with label should. Show all posts
Showing posts with label should. Show all posts

Jan 8, 2019

[Answer] 6. So now you've finished another successful season of excavations. If you are the archaeologist, what should you do now?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. So now you've finished another successful season of excavations. If you are the archaeologist, what should you do now?"

...1. Gloat 2. Do the laundry 3. Break out the ouzo 4. Publish the results The only way to bring the results of your excavation to the attention of other scholars (and the rest of the world, if you're lucky) is to publish them in a reputable archaeological journal. Most archaeologists will publish preliminary reports periodically as the excavation progresses, but also a more complete report when excavation at the site is complete. These make thrilling reading, don't ever doubt it!

Jan 2, 2019

[Answer] 4. In desert areas, shelter from the sun should be a main consideration, but cold, rain, hail, even snow can also be factors. When building a shelter, you should do what?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. In desert areas, shelter from the sun should be a main consideration, but cold, rain, hail, even snow can also be factors. When building a shelter, you should do what?"

...1. Build it clear of creek beds 2. Build it in a way that it is visible to searchers/rescuers 3. All of these 4. Make it just large enough for you to lie down in Also try not to lie directly on the ground.

Dec 21, 2018

[Answer] 8. Your geology professor falls into a pool of quicksand. What should you advise him to do?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. Your geology professor falls into a pool of quicksand. What should you advise him to do? "

...1. Panic 2. Thrash around wildly 3. Lean back and float out 4. Tread water, uh, quicksand In normal wet sand, the water fills the pores between the grains, and the sand grains support their own weight. In quicksand, the water supports the sand grains, making the quicksand behave like a fluid. The best thing to do is to lean back. The sand grains will settle out, and you, being the biggest grain around, will end up floating at the surface. Anything which stirs up the quicksand keeps the grains in suspension. Not good.

Nov 20, 2018

[Answer] 3. If you're not sure how to describe the cut you want, what should you do?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. If you're not sure how to describe the cut you want, what should you do?"

...1. Let the stylist do what they want, after all, they know better than you 2. Bring a friend to describe it to the stylist 3. Bring a picture of the desired style 4. Describe it as best you can and trust the stylist Sometimes you have a clear mental picture of what you want but there is no guarantee that the stylist will have the same mental picture. The best way to achieve this is to bring a picture of what you want along with you.

Nov 19, 2018

[Answer] 3. Which singing star who died at the age of 27 in July 2011 perhaps should have said "yes" when they asked her to go to rehab?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Which singing star who died at the age of 27 in July 2011 perhaps should have said "yes" when they asked her to go to rehab?"

...1. Gidget Gein 2. Eartha Kitt 3. Amy Winehouse 4. Paula Goodspeed Amy Winehouse was born on September 14, 1983 in London and died in that city on July 23, 2011 of a suspected drugs overdose. Winehouse packed a lot into a short career, but throughout she was bedeviled with problems of alcohol and drugs abuses. Her 2006 album "Back To Black" was a chart topper in the UK and earned five Grammys. In 2008, the song "Rehab" earned three Grammys. It had the - perhaps visionary - line "They tried to make me go to rehab but I said no, no, no." (In fact Winehouse did seek treatment for her addictions on several occasions.)

Nov 14, 2018

[Answer] 3. You have never been to a gym before and are not really sure what to bring with you. What should you always bring when going to a gym?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. You have never been to a gym before and are not really sure what to bring with you. What should you always bring when going to a gym?"

...1. Towel and a drink bottle 2. Ipod 3. Dumbells 4. High heels A towel is essential when visiting a gym because many gyms will not let you enter without a towel. This is because if you do not wipe the sweat of machines with your towel and someone else uses that machine, it can be very unhygienic. A drink bottle is needed to hydrate yourself especially if you are doing a cardiovascular workout because if you do not keep refreshing yourself with water, you are at risk of suffering dehydration.

Nov 12, 2018

[Answer] 10. According to the old song, what should you tie around the old oak tree?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "10. According to the old song, what should you tie around the old oak tree?"

...1. a rope 2. a red sash 3. a yellow ribbon 4. ribbons of red and gold

Oct 11, 2018

[Answer] Most people have a WRENCH - if not, more than one, - in their tool box. How should we use this tool?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Most people have a WRENCH - if not, more than one, - in their tool box. How should we use this tool?"

...This tool is a type of spanner. It consists of a metal bar with adjustable jaws for gripping and turning nuts bolt-heads and any other small thing which needs gripping and/or turning.

Oct 10, 2018

[Answer] It is vital to be properly prepared for your trip. What items should you have with you to assure a safe adventure?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "It is vital to be properly prepared for your trip. What items should you have with you to assure a safe adventure?"

...Many of these ghost towns are remote and not easy to access. All of these items are necessary to make sure you can make it safely back to civilization. Rattlesnakes and scorpions are prevalent in many areas so it is good to have a first aid kit. No matter how carefully you drive, it is always a distinct possibility of having a flat tire. There are no service stations in the mountains and spotty cell phone reception at best. So always have a spare tire, jack, and extra gas.

Aug 3, 2018

[Answer] food should be stored in a dry location, free from dust and contamination and at least _______ off the floor.?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "food should be stored in a dry location, free from dust and contamination and at least _______ off the floor.?"

...Food contamination refers to the presence in food of harmful chemicals and microorganisms which can cause consumer illness. This article addresses the chemical contamination of foods, as opposed to microbiological contamination, which can be found under foodborne illness. The impact of chemical contaminants on consumer health and well-being is often apparent only after many years of processing and prolonged exposure at low levels (e.g., cancer). Unlike food-borne pathogens, chemical contaminants present in foods are often unaffected by thermal processing. Chemical contaminants can be classified according to the source of contamination and the mechanism by which they enter the food product.

Jul 4, 2018

[Answer] Which national park should you visit if you want to explore the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes? White Sands Moab Death Valley Yosemite

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The original Declaration of Independence is preserved in a bulletproof case filled with which gas?"

...The Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes are at the northern end of the valley floor and are nearly surrounded by mountains on all sides. Due to their easy access from the road and the overall proximity of Death Valley to Hollywood, these dunes have been used to film sand dune scenes for several movies including films in the Star Wars series. The largest dune is called Star Dune and is relatively stable and stationary because it is at a point where the various winds that shape the dunes converge. The depth of the sand at its crest is 130–140 feet (40–43 m) but this is small compared to other dunes in the area that have sand depths of up to 600–700 feet (180–210 m) deep. The primary source of the dune sands is probably the Cottonwood Mountains which lie to the north and northwest. The tiny grains of quartz and feldspar that form the sinuous sculptures that make up this dune field began as much larger pieces of solid rock.

Jun 13, 2018

[Ans] Which fast food restaurant should you avoid if you suffer from coulrophobia?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which fast food restaurant should you avoid if you suffer from coulrophobia?"

..What is the weirdest phobia? We bring to you the top ten weirdest phobias that you never knew. Nomophobia: Fear of Being without Cellphones. ... Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: Fear of Long Words. ... Sinistrophobia: Fear of Left Side and Dextrophobia: Fear of Right Side. ... Euphobia: Fear of Good News. ... Phobophobia: Fear of Phobias. More items... 10 Weirdest Phobias You Never Imagined | 

 Is there a cure for Coulrophobia? Treatment. Coulrophobia may be irrational, but it is a very real fear, except where social status is the cause. ... They can not be teased or debated out of their fear. As in other types of phobias one cure is gradually increased exposure.

May 26, 2018

[Ans] Which national park should you visit if you want to see whales? Glacier Yellowstone Kenai Fjords Yosemite

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which national park should you visit if you want to see whales?"

...How to do this trip, which includes Los Angeles, Yosemite, Yellowstone ang Glacier Nation Park in Three weeks? It is even possible to make it? Missing: kenai ‎fjords Kenai Fjords National Park: 10 tips to make the most of your visit
 Tidewater glaciers flow into the ocean along Kenai 3 of 20 ... Ice, ice, baby: You'll find plenty of it at Kenai Fjords National Park on the edge of the Kenai Peninsula in ..... Yosemite National Park - 4,336,890: First protected ...

Dec 23, 2017

[Ans] Which national park should you visit if you want to explore the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which national park should you visit if you want to explore the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes?"

...The primary source of the dune sands is probably the Cottonwood Mountains which lie to the north and northwest. The tiny grains of quartz and feldspar that form the sinuous sculptures that make up this dune field began as much larger pieces of solid rock.

In between many of the dunes are stands of creosote bush and some mesquite on the sand and on dried mud, which used to cover this part of the valley before the dunes intruded (mesquite was the dominant plant here before the sand dunes but creosote does much better in the sand dune conditions).

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which national park should you visit if you want to explore the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes?"

Death Valley:

The Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes are at the northern end of the valley floor and are nearly surrounded by mountains on all sides. Due to their easy access from the road and the overall proximity of Death Valley to Hollywood, these dunes have been used to film sand dune scenes for several movies including films in the Star Wars series. The largest dune is called Star Dune and is relatively stable and stationary because it is at a point where the various winds that shape the dunes converge. The depth of the sand at its crest is 130–140 feet (40–43 m) but this is small compared to other dunes in the area that have sand depths of up to 600–700 feet (180–210 m) deep.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Which national park should you visit if you want to explore the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes?"

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