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Showing posts with label shock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shock. Show all posts

Jul 5, 2019

[Answer] 9. Just choose the novel this first line is from. "Norman Bates heard the noise and a shock went through him."

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "9. Just choose the novel this first line is from. "Norman Bates heard the noise and a shock went through him.""

...1. Bloodwork 2. Psycho 3. Cujo 4. Coma Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 movie, with Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates, was a faithful rendition of Robert Bloch's 1959 novel.

Oct 23, 2018

[Answer] Just choose the novel this first line is from. "Norman Bates heard the noise and a shock went through him."

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Just choose the novel this first line is from. "Norman Bates heard the noise and a shock went through him.""

...Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 movie, with Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates, was a faithful rendition of Robert Bloch's 1959 novel.