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Showing posts with label oracle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oracle. Show all posts

Jun 11, 2019

[Ans] Business magnate Warren Buffett is known as “The Oracle of” what?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Business magnate Warren Buffett is known as “The Oracle of” what?"

Warren Buffett is an American business magnate, investor and philanthropist. Buffett is widely considered the most successful investor of the 20th century, having defied prevailing investment trends to amass a personal fortune of more than $60 billion. He is called the "Oracle of Omaha" because his investment picks and comments on the market are very closely followed by the investment community, and he lives and works in Omaha, Nebraska. He was ranked as the world's wealthiest person in 2008 and is currently the third wealthiest person in the world.

[Answer] Business magnate Warren Buffett is known as “The Oracle of” what?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Business magnate Warren Buffett is known as “The Oracle of” what?"

...Warren Buffett is an American business magnate, investor and philanthropist. Buffett is widely considered the most successful investor of the 20th century, having defied prevailing investment trends to amass a personal fortune of more than $60 billion. He is called the "Oracle of Omaha" because his investment picks and comments on the market are very closely followed by the investment community, and he lives and works in Omaha, Nebraska. He was ranked as the world's wealthiest person in 2008 and is currently the third wealthiest person in the world.

May 3, 2019

[Answer] 7. Both my father and I visited the oracle here.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. Both my father and I visited the oracle here."

...1. Delphi 2. Asia Minor 3. Lesbos 4. Halicarnassus Philip's concern was finding out who Alexander's father really was. After finding his wife, Olympias, in bed with a snake, he believed Alexander might be the son of Zeus. Philip was told to make sacrifices to Zeus, and revere him above all others. He was also told he would lose the eye (which he did) by which he saw Zeus. Alexander was interested in finding if his father's real assassin had been punished. On the day he visited the oracle it was closed. He went to the house of the priestess to persuade her to tell his future, and after a very strong battle of wills she told him, "My son, thou art invincible." Alexander took that as a good omen.