Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Take the map and look for THE X. You pass the FIRST CLIFF, turn right at the SECOND CLIFF, left at THIRD CLIFF and straight on to FOURTH CLIFF. There's an OLD FURNACE there. Look for the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE CORNER. Dig! What 'Bay State' are you in?"
...1. Montana 2. Mississippi 3. Missouri 4. Massachusetts There's a saying in SIPPEWISSET: if the OCEAN SPRAY you, there's a TEATICKET in your future and you will always have SMOOTH HUMMOCKS. The FIREWORKS at DINGLEY DELL can be seen from FIVE POUND ISLAND if the FEEDING HILLS become HAPPY HILLS. Massachusetts is considered the birthplace of the American Revolution. The oldest college in the country is Harvard University (pronounced Hah vaad).