Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who received a patent for the manufacture of chewing gum in December 1869?"
Although marketed in 1848 by John Curtis, it was William Finely Semple who first patented chewing gum for production in 1869. In 1892, William Wrigley began his Wrigley chewing gum company and produced flavors such as Juicy Fruit and Doublemint.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who received a patent for the manufacture of chewing gum in December 1869?"
William Finely Semple:
Chewing gum is natural and/or artificial latex, with natural and artificial flavors added. A boon for those desiring to satisfy their oral fixations without eating or smoking, chewing gum became popular immediately when first available. Although marketed in 1848 by John Curtis, it was William.
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