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Showing posts with label gum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gum. Show all posts

Sep 20, 2019

[Answer] 1. High in a gum treeeating eucalyptus leaveslives this so-called bear.What is the name of this animal?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. High in a gum tree eating eucalyptus leaves lives this so-called bear. What is the name of this animal?"

...1. Koala 2. Tree kangaroo 3. Wombat 4. Bilby Koalas are often called koala bears because they somewhat resemble teddy bears, but they are not related to the bear family at all. Their scientific name is Phascolarctos cinereus which means "ash coloured bear". They are marsupials and are related to the wombat and the kangaroo and, like them, carry their young in pouches. Koalas are found only in the southern and eastern parts of the Australian mainland. They rely on the eucalyptus trees for their food and water. Only when the temperature is high do they actually drink water. Their strong claws make them excellent climbers and they spend most of their time high in the tress of woodland areas. Their numbers have diminished by about 90% since settlement, mainly due to the loss of habitat. Their diminishing numbers were partly caused by the felling of native forests and partly because they were hunted almost to extinction for their fur. They are now a protected species. In NSW, Queensland and Victoria, the koala is now listed as vulnerable, and in South Australia as rare. I am fortunate to live in an area where gum trees are plentiful and they are often to be seen. A mother with a baby on her back is a real treat. Calpurnia09

Jul 6, 2018

[Ans] What brand of chewing gum is also the name of Poseidon's weapon?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What brand of chewing gum is also the name of Poseidon's weapon?"

Trident is a brand of sugar-free chewing gum. The trident is also a symbol of the Greek sea god, Poseidon. A trident is a three-pronged spear. It is used for spear fishing and historically as a polearm. The trident is the weapon of Poseidon and Neptune, the god of the sea in classical mythology. The word "trident" comes from the French word trident, which in turn comes from the Latin word tridens or tridentis: tri "three" and dentes "teeth". In 1980, former President Jimmy Carter declared Trident as the official gum of the White House.

[Answer] What brand of chewing gum is also the name of Poseidon's weapon?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What brand of chewing gum is also the name of Poseidon's weapon?"

...Trident is a brand of sugar-free chewing gum. The trident is also a symbol of the Greek sea god, Poseidon. A trident is a three-pronged spear. It is used for spear fishing and historically as a polearm. The trident is the weapon of Poseidon and Neptune, the god of the sea in classical mythology. The word "trident" comes from the French word trident, which in turn comes from the Latin word tridens or tridentis: tri "three" and dentes "teeth". In 1980, former President Jimmy Carter declared Trident as the official gum of the White House.

Nov 4, 2017

[Ans] Who received a patent for the manufacture of chewing gum in December 1869?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who received a patent for the manufacture of chewing gum in December 1869?"

Although marketed in 1848 by John Curtis, it was William Finely Semple who first patented chewing gum for production in 1869. In 1892, William Wrigley began his Wrigley chewing gum company and produced flavors such as Juicy Fruit and Doublemint. 

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who received a patent for the manufacture of chewing gum in December 1869?"

William Finely Semple:

Chewing gum is natural and/or artificial latex, with natural and artificial flavors added. A boon for those desiring to satisfy their oral fixations without eating or smoking, chewing gum became popular immediately when first available. Although marketed in 1848 by John Curtis, it was William.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Who received a patent for the manufacture of chewing gum in December 1869? "

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