Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Who is NOT a god or goddess?"
...1. Siegmund 2. Freyja 3. Tyr 4. Wotan Siegmund is a hero, not a god. Tyr is the god of war, Wotan is the chief god and Freyja is his wife.
All questions can't be solved in 3 steps! 3 steps are not required to solve all questions!
Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What Roman goddess identifies with the Halloween tradition of 'bobbing' for apples?"
Apple bobbing, also known as bobbing for apples, is a game often played on Halloween. The game is played by filling a tub or a large basin with water and putting apples in the water. Because apples are less dense than water, they will float at the surface.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What Roman goddess identifies with the Halloween tradition of 'bobbing' for apples?"
Pomona was a goddess of fruitful abundance in ancient Roman religion and myth. Her name comes from the Latin word pomum, " fruit," ...
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "What Roman goddess identifies with the Halloween tradition of 'bobbing' for apples? "
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