Step 1 : Introduction to the question "10. Which fish spends most of its life in the ocean, but returns to freshwater to spawn?"
...1. Sucker 2. Needlefish 3. Tuna 4. Salmon Salmon are common and widespread in Canada and the northern United States.
All questions can't be solved in 3 steps! 3 steps are not required to solve all questions!
Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The piranha is a freshwater fish found in the rivers of what continent? "
...A piranha or piraƱa is a member of family Characidae in order Characiformes, freshwater fish that inhabits South American rivers, floodplains, lakes and reservoirs.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "The piranha is a freshwater fish found in the rivers of what continent?"
South America:
Piranhas have a reputation as vicious killers, but you're unlikely to encounter one swimming in your local river. These creatures are generally isolated to one part of the world, and it isn't the United States. All piranhas live in South America in rivers and lakes, and 20 different species are found in the Amazon River. Some piranhas have been found around the world, but these are thought to be pets that were released into waterways. In some states, piranhas are legal to keep as pets, and are occasionally -- illegally -- released into the wild.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "The piranha is a freshwater fish found in the rivers of what continent? "
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