Step 1 : Introduction to the question "how many time zones does the contiguous united states have"
Standard time zones in the United States are currently defined at the federal level by law 15 USC ยง260. The federal law also establishes the transition dates and times at which daylight saving time occurs, if observed. It is ultimately the authority of the Secretary of Transportation, in coordination with the states, to determine which regions will observe which of the standard time zones and if they will observe daylight saving time.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "how many time zones does the contiguous united states have"
Zones used in the contiguous U.S.:
From east to west, the times zones of the contiguous United States are:
1. The Eastern standard time zone: (Zone R), which comprises roughly the states on the Atlantic coast and the eastern two thirds of the Ohio Valley.
2. The Central standard time zone: (Zone S), which comprises roughly the Gulf Coast, Mississippi Valley, and Great Plains.
3. The Mountain standard time zone: (Zone T), which comprises roughly the states and portions of states that include the Rocky Mountains.
4. The Pacific standard time zone: (Zone U), which comprises roughly the states on the Pacific coast, plus Nevada and the Idaho panhandle.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "how many time zones does the contiguous united states have"
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