Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which university's athletic teams are known collectively as the "Fighting Irish"?"
..Many people wonder (or worry) about Notre Dame and that word, Irish. To us, it doesn't mean race exclusively; nor is it just another nickname. The fact is, it keeps alive the memory of a long, uphill fight for recognition against a spirit that was not always generous, nor even fair-minded
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which university's athletic teams are known collectively as the "Fighting Irish"?"
Notre Dame:
Notre Dame’s athletic teams known collectively as the “Fighting Irish”. Just exactly where the moniker "Fighting Irish" came from is a matter of much debate and legend. One possibility is that the nickname is inherited from Irish immigrant soldiers who fought in the Civil War with the Union's Irish Brigade. However, the most generally accepted explanation by the University is that the press coined the nickname in the 1920s as a characterization of Notre Dame's athletic teams, of their never-say-die fighting spirit, and the Irish qualities of grit, determination, and tenacity.
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