Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Libraries use a system of classification of books devised by a man in 1876 whose first name was Melvil. What was his last name?"
...1. Hughes 2. Dewey 3. Louis 4. Lewis Melvil Dewey was a librarian who had the task of organizing the library at Amherst College. He used a decimal system which he supposedly developed from writings of Roger Bacon, a system he copyrighted in 1876. Although many libraries now use the Library of Congress system, the Dewey Decimal System is still in wide use. Dewey was a leader in developing Lake Placid as a cultural and recreational center. He also tried to up-date English language spelling. In 1927, for instance, he arranged a menu of Hadok, Poted beef with noodls, Parsli or Masht potato, Butr, Steamd rys, Letis, and Ys cream and added "All shud see the butiful after-glo on mountains to the east just befor sunset. Fyn vu from Golfhous porch." His given name was Melville which he changed to Melvil. Also, his middle name was Louis.