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Aug 29, 2019

[Answer] Which country has the most active volcanoes in the world?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which country has the most active volcanoes in the world?"

...According to the United States Geological Survey, approximately 1,500 potentially active volcanoes exist on land around the globe. Indonesia remains the country most at risk of another deadly volcanic eruption. The most famous is Krakatoa, now called Anak Krakatau (“Child of Krakatoa”), where on August 26, 1883, what was likely the greatest eruption in recorded history took place. Indonesia has 173 active volcanoes, most on the suture line where Eurasian and Australian plates collide along Java, Sumatra, and Bali. Because of this, Indonesia is the single densest and most active volcanic region in the world.

[Ans] Which country has the most active volcanoes in the world?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which country has the most active volcanoes in the world?"

According to the United States Geological Survey, approximately 1,500 potentially active volcanoes exist on land around the globe. Indonesia remains the country most at risk of another deadly volcanic eruption. The most famous is Krakatoa, now called Anak Krakatau (“Child of Krakatoa”), where on August 26, 1883, what was likely the greatest eruption in recorded history took place. Indonesia has 173 active volcanoes, most on the suture line where Eurasian and Australian plates collide along Java, Sumatra, and Bali. Because of this, Indonesia is the single densest and most active volcanic region in the world.

Dec 1, 2018

[Answer] There was an English music group called The Animals, mostly active in the 60s.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "There was an English music group called The Animals, mostly active in the 60s."

...The Alan Price Rhythm and Blues Combo formed in 1961. Due to their wild (animal-like) stage act, they were dubbed The Animals in 1964. Their hits include "The House of the Rising Sun", "We Gotta Get Out of This Place", and "It's My Life".

Oct 19, 2018

[Answer] What percentage of the Earth's active volcanoes call Japan home?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What percentage of the Earth's active volcanoes call Japan home?"

...Japan's location has a lot to do with the over 100 active volcanoes that call the island nation and its surrounding waters home. Japan sits at the convergence of four tectonic plates: the North American, the Eurasian, the Philippine and the Pacific. This gives Japan more volcanoes that just about any other country on the globe. These account for around 10 percent of the world's active volcanoes. Japan is also frequently hit with earthquakes, some of them devastating. Source: VolcanoDiscovery.com

Apr 25, 2018

[Ans] How many active volcanoes call Antarctica home?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "How many active volcanoes call Antarctica home?"

...f(stratovolcano), NASA Earth Observatory photo of Mt Erebus on 6 February 2009 Mount Erebus stratovolcano is the highest and most active volcano of Antarctica, one of the Volcanic Seven Summits, and the largest of 4 volcanoes that form the roughly triangular Ross Island (Mt Erebus, and the extinct Mt. Bird to the north, ... An Antarctic eruption could 'significantly disrupt' international air 

 Dig into the black sand of Deception Island, off the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, and hot water percolates up, heated by geothermal activity. The horseshoe-shaped spit of land is itself the flooded caldera of an active volcano and home to more than 50 volcanic craters—markers of past eruptions. Now ...

Dec 29, 2017

[Ans] Who interned for the CIA in college, causing some to believe that he is an active agent?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who interned for the CIA in college, causing some to believe that he is an active agent?"

The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) is an American private college and culinary school specializing in culinary, baking, and pastry arts education. The school's primary campus is located in Hyde Park, New York, with branch campuses in St. Helena and Napa, California, San Antonio, Texas, and the Republic of Singapore. The college, which was the first to teach culinary arts in the United States, offers associate and bachelor's degrees, and has the largest staff of American Culinary Federation Certified Master Chefs. The CIA also offers continuing education for professionals in the hospitality industry as well as conferences and consulting services. In addition to professional education, the college also offers recreational classes for non-professionals. The college operates student-run restaurants on their four U.S. campuses. The school colors (green and gold) refer to the school's mission to sustain the environment and to strive for excellence.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who interned for the CIA in college, causing some to believe that he is an active agent?"

Anderson Cooper:

Anderson Cooper is the son of Gloria Vanderbilt and a descendant of Cornelius Vanderbilt. He attended Yale University, a well-known recruiting ground for the CIA, where he studied political science. He interned for two summers at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia in a program for students interested in intelligence work. Cooper later called the work “pretty bureaucratic” and “mundane” and decided not to pursue intelligence work as a profession. However, he did not find it interesting enough and decided to become a journalist instead.

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