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Showing posts with label Yale's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yale's. Show all posts

Aug 30, 2018

[Answer] Which U.S. President was the first baseman and captain of Yale's college baseball team?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which U.S. President was the first baseman and captain of Yale's college baseball team?"

...Before George H. W. Bush ever became a political icon, he was the captain of the Yale baseball team. Affectionately known by his teammates as "Poppy" back in his playing days, Bush played in the first two College World Series as a left-handed first baseman. As the 1948 team captain, Bush shook hands with Yankee legend Babe Ruth on June 5, 1948, at Yale Field, as the "Bambino" donated the manuscript of his book "The Babe Ruth Story" to the Yale Library. The moment shared between Bush and Ruth has proven to be a landmark meeting between two historic figures in different eras in American history.

[Ans] Which U.S. President was the first baseman and captain of Yale's college baseball team?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which U.S. President was the first baseman and captain of Yale's college baseball team?"

Before George H. W. Bush ever became a political icon, he was the captain of the Yale baseball team. Affectionately known by his teammates as "Poppy" back in his playing days, Bush played in the first two College World Series as a left-handed first baseman. As the 1948 team captain, Bush shook hands with Yankee legend Babe Ruth on June 5, 1948, at Yale Field, as the "Bambino" donated the manuscript of his book "The Babe Ruth Story" to the Yale Library. The moment shared between Bush and Ruth has proven to be a landmark meeting between two historic figures in different eras in American history.