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Showing posts with label War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label War. Show all posts

Mar 11, 2019

[Ans] Which war was triggered by the shooting of a pig?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which war was triggered by the shooting of a pig?"

The “Pig War” was a confrontation between the American Army and British Royal Navy on San Juan Island that began in the summer of 1859 after an American settler shot a British pig on the island that both nations claimed. The “Pig War” is celebrated because it was ultimately resolved by negotiation and compromise instead of by guns and force, and there were no casualties except the pig. The confrontation and its resolution are also significant in history because it led to the San Juan Islands being awarded to the United States instead of Great Britain.

[Answer] Which war was triggered by the shooting of a pig?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which war was triggered by the shooting of a pig?"

...The “Pig War” was a confrontation between the American Army and British Royal Navy on San Juan Island that began in the summer of 1859 after an American settler shot a British pig on the island that both nations claimed. The “Pig War” is celebrated because it was ultimately resolved by negotiation and compromise instead of by guns and force, and there were no casualties except the pig. The confrontation and its resolution are also significant in history because it led to the San Juan Islands being awarded to the United States instead of Great Britain.

Mar 7, 2019

[Answer] 1. Begun by the annexation of Texas by the USA, what was the war between the USA and Mexico called?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Begun by the annexation of Texas by the USA, what was the war between the USA and Mexico called?"

...1. Texas Rodeo 2. War over Texas 3. Mexican-Texan War 4. Mexican-American War In 1835, Texas revolted against Mexican rule. After various battles, the Mexican launched a campaign in which Mexican President Santa Anna (Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna) led his army into Texas to crush their army. They captured the Alamo, killing almost all of the garrison, although they suffered many casualties. After chasing the rest of the Texas army led by Samuel Houston, Santa Anna was defeated by the Texans, who gave no quarter, yelling their famous cry, "Remember the Alamo!" Despite the defeat and capture of Santa Anna, Mexico refused to back down. When the US annexed Texas, Mexico declared war. Two years later, American armies captured Mexico City. Soon after, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed. In the treaty, Mexico agreed to relinquish all claim to Texas and other states, including New Mexico. While the Texans did battle with the Mexicans, the question specifically asked for the name of the war between America and Mexico, so the incorrect answers were wrong because they are not only not commonly used (if at all) terms regarding the Texans' struggle, but also did not mention the United States at all.

Mar 6, 2019

[Answer] 4. You probably remember this story well. It went against slavery right before the Civil War. Tom is a slave and is sold from his master, Mr. Shelby, to various owners while he keeps his faith in God. Which famous novel is this?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. You probably remember this story well. It went against slavery right before the Civil War. Tom is a slave and is sold from his master, Mr. Shelby, to various owners while he keeps his faith in God. Which famous novel is this?"

...1. "Up From Slavery" by Booker T. Washington 2. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe 3. "Life As It Was" by Margaret Stowe 4. "My Bondage and My Freedom" by Frederick Douglass "Life As It Was" by Margaret Stowe is a fake story. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is the answer. Uncle Tom is sold from his owner, Mr. Shelby, to an owner. He keeps getting a new owner until there is a sad ocurrance in this wonderful story by Harriet Beecher Stowe.

Feb 26, 2019

[Ans] How long was the shortest war in history?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "How long was the shortest war in history?"

The Anglo-Zanzibar War only lasted a whopping 45 minutes, and holds the record of being the shortest war in recorded history. The immediate cause of the war was the death of the Sultan of Zanzibar in 1896. His nephew, Khalid bin Bargash, seized power, but he was regarded by the British as far too independent. The British sent an ultimatum to Khalid demanding that he order his forces to stand down and leave the palace. While Bargash’s troops set to fortifying the palace, the Royal Navy assembled five warships in the harbor in front of the palace. Zanzibar sustained roughly 500 casualties, while only one British sailor was injured.

[Answer] How long was the shortest war in history?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "How long was the shortest war in history?"

...The Anglo-Zanzibar War only lasted a whopping 45 minutes, and holds the record of being the shortest war in recorded history. The immediate cause of the war was the death of the Sultan of Zanzibar in 1896. His nephew, Khalid bin Bargash, seized power, but he was regarded by the British as far too independent. The British sent an ultimatum to Khalid demanding that he order his forces to stand down and leave the palace. While Bargash’s troops set to fortifying the palace, the Royal Navy assembled five warships in the harbor in front of the palace. Zanzibar sustained roughly 500 casualties, while only one British sailor was injured.

[Answer] 8. Julia McWilliams' World War II assignments took her to several places overseas. In 1944 she was posted to China where an event took place that would change the course of her life. What happened?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. Julia McWilliams' World War II assignments took her to several places overseas. In 1944 she was posted to China where an event took place that would change the course of her life. What happened?"

...1. She met her future husband 2. She became very ill 3. She was taken prisoner 4. She was sent home Julia met Paul Cushing Child while both working for the US spy agency. He was a high-ranking OSS official, and she worked cataloging highly classified documents. Paul Child was a sophisticated gourmand, artist and poet who had spent time living in France. They married in 1946. He introduced Julia to French food, and she often told the story of the meal they shared that first awakened her desire to learn the art of French cooking, a meal that included oysters, Sole Meuni�re and some fine wine.

Feb 8, 2019

[Answer] 5. The Archduke of Austria ______________________ was assassinated on June 28, 1914. This was the "spark" that started the war.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. The Archduke of Austria ______________________ was assassinated on June 28, 1914. This was the "spark" that started the war."

...1. Samuel Lemar 2. Sergei Hunera 3. Franz Ferdinand 4. Adolf Hitler It was on June 28, 1914, in the town of Sarajevo. The three Black Hand assassins at Savajevo were all teenagers suffering from tuberculosis.

Feb 7, 2019

[Answer] 9. The trials of 24 alleged Nazi war criminals continued during 1946. Where did these trials take place?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "9. The trials of 24 alleged Nazi war criminals continued during 1946. Where did these trials take place?"

...1. Nuremberg 2. Vienna 3. Munich 4. Geneva The Nuremberg Tribunal ended with twelve of the accused being sentenced to death. Ten others received prison sentences. Three were acquitted - Schacht, Fritzsche, von Papen.

Jan 31, 2019

[Answer] The Tet Offensive occurred during which war?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The Tet Offensive occurred during which war?"

...The Tet Offensive was one of the largest military campaigns of the Vietnam War, launched on this day in 1968, by forces of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army. Though U.S. and South Vietnamese forces managed to hold off the attacks, news coverage of the massive offensive shocked the American public and eroded support for the war effort. The series of surprise attacks, named for their occurrence during the lunar New Year (or “Tet”) holiday, was a major turning point in the Vietnam War and the beginning of the slow, painful American withdrawal from the region.

[Ans] The Tet Offensive occurred during which war?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The Tet Offensive occurred during which war?"

The Tet Offensive was one of the largest military campaigns of the Vietnam War, launched on this day in 1968, by forces of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army. Though U.S. and South Vietnamese forces managed to hold off the attacks, news coverage of the massive offensive shocked the American public and eroded support for the war effort. The series of surprise attacks, named for their occurrence during the lunar New Year (or “Tet”) holiday, was a major turning point in the Vietnam War and the beginning of the slow, painful American withdrawal from the region.

Jan 21, 2019

[Answer] 3. After this very sour grape had lost a huge war involving all the world's major powers, he committed suicide before he could be punished for killing millions.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. After this very sour grape had lost a huge war involving all the world's major powers, he committed suicide before he could be punished for killing millions."

...1. Naploeon Bonparte 2. Nero 3. Genghis Khan 4. Hitler Adolf Hitler was responsible for starting World War II, and for the Holocaust, in which an estimated six million Jews were killed. Of course, once he lost the war, he would have been in a lot of trouble with quite a few people, so he shot himself.

Jan 18, 2019

[Answer] 3. War and Terrorism: What is the name given to someone who believes all forms of violence and war are wrong?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. War and Terrorism: What is the name given to someone who believes all forms of violence and war are wrong?"

...1. pacifist 2. conscientious objector 3. chicken 4. angel The thirteenth-century scholar Thomas Aquinas came up with the original Just War Theory, which attempts to justify and limit war. Some of the modern points are that war should be a last resort, the war should be started by a democratic leader, and it must promote good over evil.

Jan 17, 2019

[Answer] 2. During the Vietnam War the US Army in the field was composed primarily of draftees. What did servicemen usually call a career soldier?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. During the Vietnam War the US Army in the field was composed primarily of draftees. What did servicemen usually call a career soldier?"

...1. a loser 2. a bird 3. employed 4. a lifer Draftees usually called the career soldier or Marines a 'lifer' as well as other unprintables.

Jan 14, 2019

[Answer] 8. Which were the major Axis powers of World War Two?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. Which were the major Axis powers of World War Two?"

...1. The Soviet Union, France, and China 2. Mexico, Austria, and Venezuela 3. Britain, Vietnam, and Spain 4. Germany, Italy, and Japan WW2 was mainly a clash of the Axis powers - Germany, Italy, and Japan,and others against the Allies- Britain, France, China, the Soviet Union. WW2 began when Adolf Hitler's armies invaded Poland in 1939. Hitler overran most of Europe, which left Britain (and later the Soviet Union) to fend for themselves. On December 7, 1941, after President Roosevelt declared aid to the Allies, Japan launched a surprise attack on the American base of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. After that, the United States entered the war, taking the side of the Allies. Many sieges took place, like that of the Soviet Union and Stalingrad. Europe became involved after the D-Day invasion of June 6, 1944. Germany eventually surrendered after Hitler committed suicide. Harry Truman, who replaced FDR after his death in 1945, made a decision that brought Japan to its knees ... He used the newly invented atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

Dec 30, 2018

[Ans] Which war had the most American casualties?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which war had the most American casualties?"

The Civil War was the bloodiest war in our country’s history. An estimated 620,000 soldiers died in the Civil War. That’s more Americans than died in both World Wars, Korea, and Vietnam combined. This amounted to 2 percent of the population at the time, which would be the equivalent to about 6 million Americans dying today. Approximately one in four soldiers that went to war never returned home. The largest human catastrophe in American history, the Civil War forced the young nation to confront death and destruction in a way that has not been equaled before or since.

[Answer] Which war had the most American casualties?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which war had the most American casualties?"

...The Civil War was the bloodiest war in our country’s history. An estimated 620,000 soldiers died in the Civil War. That’s more Americans than died in both World Wars, Korea, and Vietnam combined. This amounted to 2 percent of the population at the time, which would be the equivalent to about 6 million Americans dying today. Approximately one in four soldiers that went to war never returned home. The largest human catastrophe in American history, the Civil War forced the young nation to confront death and destruction in a way that has not been equaled before or since.

Dec 19, 2018

[Answer] 1. This World War II general was elected president of the United States in 1952 and served in the White House for the rest of the decade. Who was he?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. This World War II general was elected president of the United States in 1952 and served in the White House for the rest of the decade. Who was he?"

...1. George Marshall 2. Dwight D. Eisenhower 3. Douglas MacArthur 4. Erwin Rommel Eisenhower was the 34th president. He ended the Korean War, helped hold inflation to nothing and oversaw the building of an amazing interstate highway system. He was "Ike" to millions. He passed away in 1969.

Dec 18, 2018

[Answer] 7. In 1963 during the Cold War, the first hotline was installed between the White House in Washington D.C. and the Kremlin in Moscow. What was said to be the color of the phone for this hotline?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. In 1963 during the Cold War, the first hotline was installed between the White House in Washington D.C. and the Kremlin in Moscow. What was said to be the color of the phone for this hotline?"

...1. White 2. Green 3. Black 4. Red They called it the red telephone, but in actuality the original apparatus was an old teleprinter which was an electromechanical device similar in appearance to a typewriter for transmitting the written word between two points via simple electrical wire. The leaders of the United States and the Soviet Union agreed that they should find a means to speak directly and immediately to each other. The line was made available with no interference other than by the interpreters at any time of day. Up to that point, there had been a real danger of accidental nuclear war being triggered by deputies while the leaders were unable to contact each other. A real telephone was not installed until 1970.

Dec 15, 2018

[Answer] Who was the most decorated U.S. soldier of World War II?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who was the most decorated U.S. soldier of World War II?"

...After returning from World War II, Audie Murphy starred in "To Hell and Back," the film that told his own story of heroism. Murphy is the most decorated U.S. soldier of World War II. His heroic service earned him every medal and award available at the time, including the Medal of Honor. He was only 21 at the end of the war in which he suffered combat wounds three times. Throughout his life, he suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. He would go on to star in over 40 films. Source: Biography.com