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Showing posts with label Walrus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walrus. Show all posts

May 31, 2019

[Answer] 5. In 2002, at the Castle Leslie in Ireland, a $3 million wedding united a Walrus and a future dancing Star. Ringo was there, as was another Sir (Elton John, to be precise). Who said "Love Me Do"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. In 2002, at the Castle Leslie in Ireland, a $3 million wedding united a Walrus and a future dancing Star. Ringo was there, as was another Sir (Elton John, to be precise). Who said "Love Me Do"?"

...1. Sir Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall 2. Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills 3. Sir Tom Jones and Melinda Woodward 4. Sir Bob Geldof and Paula Yates The couple spent $150,000 on fireworks and $145,000 on flowers, and the bride's gown cost $40,000. Ms. Mills was married to Sir Paul when he turned 64 in 2006 (no word on whether she still needed him or fed him, sent him a Valentine, birthday greetings or a bottle of wine), but the duo divorced in 2008. In the Beatles' 1968 song "Glass Onion", one of the lyrics was "the walrus was Paul", and in 2007 Mills appeared on "Dancing With the Stars" (in case you were wondering about my hints in the question).