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Showing posts with label W.A.A.F.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label W.A.A.F.. Show all posts

May 13, 2019

[Answer] 5. What do the initials W.A.A.F. stand for?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. What do the initials W.A.A.F. stand for?"

...1. Women's Ambulance and Fire 2. Women's Auxiliary Air Force 3. Women's Accumulated Army Funds 4. Women's Amateur Actresses' Federation The WAAF were first formed in 1938 when the threat of war loomed. Woman first joined as volunteers, but it was during 1941 that some women were conscripted into the service. By late 1943 the number of WAAF had increased to 183,000. Women were not allowed into combat but they played an important role by flying everything from small fighters and heavy bombers from the factories to the airfields and from one base to another.