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Showing posts with label Used. Show all posts

Apr 26, 2019

[Answer] 4. This president's full name was used as political fodder during a competing political convention in 1988. The name implied his wealthy, aristocratic background which lead a fellow Texan to say he was born with a "silver foot in his mouth".

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. This president's full name was used as political fodder during a competing political convention in 1988. The name implied his wealthy, aristocratic background which lead a fellow Texan to say he was born with a "silver foot in his mouth"."

...1. Lyndon Baines Johnson 2. William Jefferson Clinton 3. James Earl Carter 4. George Herbert Walker Bush Ann Richards turned George Herbert Walker Bush into a chant during the Democratic Convention in 1988. It was some of her comments that led his son George W. Bush to go for the governor's mansion a few years later.

Apr 5, 2019

[Answer] 3. Dietary supplements are frequently used in sports. Which one of these supplements is illegal in professional bodybuilding?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Dietary supplements are frequently used in sports. Which one of these supplements is illegal in professional bodybuilding?"

...1. Vitamin C 2. Anabolic steroids 3. Protein shakes 4. Multivitamins and minerals Good nutrition and a balanced training programme are essential for the development of the lean muscle mass that is the bodybuilder's goal. There are many supplements available in addition to those listed. Some bodybuilding supplements may help to maintain the greater demand for various nutrients placed on the body by the rigorous training regime: vitamin C can help to support a healthy immune system; shakes made from powdered protein from a variety of sources, mixed with water, milk or fruit juice, provide a readily-absorbed source of extra protein; multivitamin and mineral supplements can ensure that the body's need for micronutrients is optimised. Many other branches of sport use the same or similar dietary supplement regimes as bodybuilding. The use of anabolic steroids is now banned in most sports, although their use was legal in bodybuilding until about 1990. These steroids act by mimicking the body's natural male hormones, one effect of which is to increase protein synthesis particularly within muscle cells - a desirable effect for bodybuilders, but considered as cheating. Undesirable side effects of steroid use include banning from competition, and serious health problems such as kidney failure, heart disease and liver damage. The sensible participant in any sport, not just bodybuilding, will consult his or her physician before taking any medication or dietary supplements and will follow the manufacturer's instructions and recommended doses. Some supplements can cause harm if taken in excess or over an extended time period.

Apr 1, 2019

[Answer] 1. Badger hairs are used to make which of the following human necessities?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Badger hairs are used to make which of the following human necessities?"

...1. Teething rings 2. Furniture and toys 3. Paintbrushes and shaving brushes 4. Mattresses and pillows Badger hairs are strong and stiff, so they make great brushes. You probably wouldn't want to rest your head on anything made from them. Their hairs can be shaved... to make shaving brushes! No badgers were harmed during this quiz.

Mar 26, 2019

[Answer] What is the most commonly used drug in the world?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the most commonly used drug in the world?"

...Psychoactive drugs are those that have an impact on brain functions. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the most commonly used drug in the world is caffeine, a psychoactive drug. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. Coffee, tea, supplements and certain foods such as chocolate all contain caffeine. It is a key ingredient in many pain medications. Concerns about caffeine dependency and the possibility of addiction are recurring topics in the world of public health and medicine around the world. Source: UISJournal.com

Mar 18, 2019

[Ans] "Merchandise 7X" is the secret ingredient used to make which product?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question ""Merchandise 7X" is the secret ingredient used to make which product?"

For almost 125 years, the secrecy surrounding the recipe for Coca-Cola has been a mystery. As the story goes, the drink's famous "Merchandise 7X" flavoring has remained unchanged since it was concocted in 1886. According to the company, only two employees are privy on how to mix the super-secret “Merchandise 7X” flavoring, and those employees are not permitted to travel on the same plane for fear the secret goes down with them. The identity of the two employees in possession of the secret is itself a secret. The formula is kept under 24-hour guard in a vault in Atlanta, Georgia.

[Answer] "Merchandise 7X" is the secret ingredient used to make which product?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question ""Merchandise 7X" is the secret ingredient used to make which product?"

...For almost 125 years, the secrecy surrounding the recipe for Coca-Cola has been a mystery. As the story goes, the drink's famous "Merchandise 7X" flavoring has remained unchanged since it was concocted in 1886. According to the company, only two employees are privy on how to mix the super-secret “Merchandise 7X” flavoring, and those employees are not permitted to travel on the same plane for fear the secret goes down with them. The identity of the two employees in possession of the secret is itself a secret. The formula is kept under 24-hour guard in a vault in Atlanta, Georgia.

Mar 15, 2019

[Answer] 1. What bird is often used as a symbol of peace?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. What bird is often used as a symbol of peace?"

...1. pigeon 2. crow 3. cardinal 4. dove There are many symbols used to denote peace. The white dove was a popular post-war symbol, with the artist Picasso's "The Dove" being used as the symbol for the World Peace Congress in the year of 1949. Christianity uses the dove with the olive branch to denote peace as it relates to the story of Noah and the ark. Political cartoons often use the dove to denote peace between nations, political parties or even individuals.

Mar 7, 2019

[Answer] What famous singing group once used the name "The Screaming Abdabs?"

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What famous singing group once used the name "The Screaming Abdabs?""

...It doesn't seem like a musical group calling themselves "The Screaming Abdabs" would make much of a mark on pop music. But they did. This goofy-sounding name once was the chosen moniker for the group Pink Floyd. They began as four young students who thought it would be fun to form a band. Their early work in the 1960s included songs performed under various names, such as "The Screaming Abdabs," "The Pink Floyd Blues Sound," and "The Tea Set." Source: IMDb.com

Feb 27, 2019

[Answer] 1. The beautiful Orchis mascula has long been used for which of the following reasons? (Look at the name)

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. The beautiful Orchis mascula has long been used for which of the following reasons? (Look at the name)"

...1. Used as an aphrodisiac 2. Used to make rubber 3. Used to make aspirin 4. Used for divination The beautiful Orchis mascula is nicknamed "the long purple". It's name is derived from the Latin masculus which means male or virile. This is a reference to the shape of this plant's tubers, which resemble a pair of men's testicles. These tubers are often ground up and used in potions reputed to have aphrodisiac qualities. The flower itself has multiple blossoms on each stalk all with a lovely purplish-pink color.

Feb 18, 2019

[Answer] 6. Probably the best known sword of legend, this weapon was used by King Arthur himself.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. Probably the best known sword of legend, this weapon was used by King Arthur himself."

...1. Glacius 2. Excalibur 3. Lightarc 4. Singing Sword There are a number of legends about how Arthur acquired this sword. The two most common are that the sword was pulled from a stone, or was given to Arthur by the Lady of the Lake. In Welsh legend, the sword is also known as Caledfwlch.

Feb 12, 2019

[Answer] 9. Here's a very simple one...what does a long string of literary symbols used side by side i.e., *&

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "9. Here's a very simple one...what does a long string of literary symbols used side by side i.e., *&"

... Curse or swear words

Feb 8, 2019

[Answer] 3. The wildlife of Iran used to include an animal which is now extinct. Which of these used to roam the northern regions of Iran?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. The wildlife of Iran used to include an animal which is now extinct. Which of these used to roam the northern regions of Iran?"

...1. Lesser bilby 2. Caribbean monk seal 3. Caspian tiger 4. Irish elk The Caspian tiger, also known as the Persian tiger, Turanian tiger, or Hyrcanian tiger, was found in Iran, Caucasus (Armenia), Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan until it apparently became extinct in the late 1950s. The lesser bilby was an Australian animal, last sighted in 1931. The Caribbean monk seal was last sighted near Nicaragua in 1952, while the Irish elk was last seen in Great Britain around 6,000 BCE.

Feb 7, 2019

[Ans] Who used "I Will Always Love You" as his campaign song?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who used "I Will Always Love You" as his campaign song?"

Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s selection of Whitney Houston’s "I Will Always Love You" for his sham campaign in 2002 is perhaps the most nonsensical choice of a campaign song in political history. Apparently the song was played from dawn to dusk throughout the country, until the election was held. By all accounts it did a great job. Official figures showed a voter turnout of 100 percent, with an even more surprising result. The voters had overwhelmingly supported Saddam Hussein in the referendum for president, with a 100% of the vote.

[Answer] Who used "I Will Always Love You" as his campaign song?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who used "I Will Always Love You" as his campaign song?"

...Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s selection of Whitney Houston’s "I Will Always Love You" for his sham campaign in 2002 is perhaps the most nonsensical choice of a campaign song in political history. Apparently the song was played from dawn to dusk throughout the country, until the election was held. By all accounts it did a great job. Official figures showed a voter turnout of 100 percent, with an even more surprising result. The voters had overwhelmingly supported Saddam Hussein in the referendum for president, with a 100% of the vote.

Jan 31, 2019

[Answer] 8. What is the term used for a tired, overused phrase?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. What is the term used for a tired, overused phrase?"

...1. image 2. abstraction 3. cliche 4. metaphor Some good examples of cliches: the ubiquitous 'broken heart', the ever-present 'spinning world', and the irritating 'burning love'. These weaken poems. Very much so.

Jan 30, 2019

[Answer] 9. What 'paper' is used to wrap vermicelli noodles, fresh vegetables, shrimp and pork?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "9. What 'paper' is used to wrap vermicelli noodles, fresh vegetables, shrimp and pork?"

...1. rice paper 2. corn paper 3. wheat paper 4. onion paper The finished product, known as spring rolls in the West, is usually dipped into peanut and or hoisin sauce.

Jan 24, 2019

[Answer] 7. Even today, pit bulls are being used as combatants in dog fights. Which is *not* a reason that some owners give for continuing dogfighting?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. Even today, pit bulls are being used as combatants in dog fights. Which is *not* a reason that some owners give for continuing dogfighting?"

...1. To continue tradition 2. Because the dog is bred to fight 3. The dogs enjoy it 4. It keeps the dogs in touch with their feminine side There is no reason that dogs should be allowed to fight, let alone encouraged to do so. It is cruel and inhumane, and encourages cruelty and violence in the human beings who participate in or watch this brutal "sport." The fighting itself is animal abuse of the most heinous variety, but the practice also encourages owners to think of these sentient creatures as "things" and perpetrate other gross cruelties upon them--such as starvation (to make the dogs more "eager" to fight), ear cropping done without a trained professional, horrendous living conditions, etc.

Jan 16, 2019

[Answer] 5. "Somewhere Over the Jane Doe".Jane Doe is often used as a name for an unidentified female. What is the term for an unidentified male?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. "Somewhere Over the Jane Doe". Jane Doe is often used as a name for an unidentified female. What is the term for an unidentified male?"

...1. John Deere 2. John Doe 3. Jim Doe 4. Jim Deere A John Doe is someone who cannot be identified. This is often used in a hospital. People are often seriously injured, and cannot tell the doctors what their names are. In some instances, no ID can be found for the person, either. In such cases, the name "John Doe" for men and "Jane Doe" for women is used until the name can be determined.

Jan 1, 2019

[Answer] 2. Which of these spices is smoked in cigarettes? Its oil is used to reduce dental pain.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Which of these spices is smoked in cigarettes? Its oil is used to reduce dental pain."

...1. Paprika 2. Cloves 3. Chili 4. Nutmeg Cloves are dried flower buds of an evergreen tree. Whole cloves are rarely eaten but used to infuse flavor into cooking foods. Ground cloves are used in dishes such as pumpkin pie.

Dec 29, 2018

[Ans] What material is used to make vests bulletproof?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What material is used to make vests bulletproof?"

Kevlar is a well-known component of personal armor such ballistic vests. The bulletproof vests used by United States military forces, police officers, and SWAT use Kevlar as the key component in their construction. Kevlar is a heat-resistant and strong synthetic fiber, developed by Stephanie Kwolek at DuPont in 1965. It is strong enough to stop bullets and knives, and often described as being "five times stronger than steel on an equal weight basis." It has many other uses too, from making boats and bowstrings to reinforcing tires and brake pads.