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Showing posts with label Triple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Triple. Show all posts

Nov 1, 2017

[Ans] What item can you use to check your tire tread before heading out on a road trip?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What item can you use to check your tire tread before heading out on a road trip?"

The tread of a tire or track refers to the rubber on its circumference that makes contact with the road or the ground. As tires are used, the tread is worn off, limiting its effectiveness in providing traction. A worn tire can often be retreaded.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What item can you use to check your tire tread before heading out on a road trip?"


With this easy test, a penny can buy you peace of mind when it comes to your tires and safety. Place a penny head first into several tread.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "What item can you use to check your tire tread before heading out on a road trip?"

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May 21, 2017

[Ans] which triple crown race is the longest?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "which triple crown race is the longest?"

Winning all three of these Thoroughbred horse races is considered the greatest accomplishment in Thoroughbred racing. The term originated in mid-19th century England and different nations where thoroughbred racing is popular each have their own Triple Crown series.