Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which U.S. state is the major producer of cranberries?
The Cranberries are an Irish rock band who formed in Limerick in 1989. The band consists of lead singer Dolores O'Riordan, guitarist Noel Hogan, bassist Mike Hogan, and drummer Fergal Lawler. Although widely associated with alternative rock, the band's sound also incorporates indie pop, post-punk, Irish folk, and pop rock elements.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which U.S. state is the major producer of cranberries?
Cranberries like to grow in boggy areas. They grow on vines and were first cultivated in Massachusetts in the early 1800s. Hearty plants, some cranberry beds date back over 100 years. Massachusetts tops the list of states that produce cranberries; only five states can make the same claim. Wisconsin, Washington, New Jersey and Oregon round out the list. These five states produce more than 110,000 metric tons of cranberries each year.
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