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Showing posts with label Pieces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pieces. Show all posts

Jul 23, 2019

[Answer] 10. Windows made with small pieces of colored glass held together with lead are:

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "10. Windows made with small pieces of colored glass held together with lead are:"

...1. sun glass 2. spun glass 3. stained glass 4. port holes

Apr 17, 2019

[Answer] 2. Which country singer was known for singing about falling to pieces as well as being "Crazy"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Which country singer was known for singing about falling to pieces as well as being "Crazy"?"

...1. Tammy Wynette 2. Brenda Lee 3. Patsy Cline 4. Dolly Parton Patsy Cline was one of country music's biggest stars when she died in a plane wreck at the age of 30. Some of her biggest hits included "Crazy" (1962) which was written by country music star Willie Nelson. Her first hit was "I Fall to Pieces" in 1961 and her final hit song was "Sweet Dreams" in 1963.

Dec 25, 2018

[Answer] 5. Why do stained glass artists grind the edges of the cut pieces of glass?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. Why do stained glass artists grind the edges of the cut pieces of glass?"

...1. To adjust the fit of the piece in the project 2. To keep from cutting themselves when working on the piece 3. All of these 4. To allow the copper foil to stick to the edges of the glass When I first started making glass, I relied heavily on the grinder for adjustments in piece shape. After many years of practice I now use the grinder merely to rough up my edges.

Apr 20, 2018

[Ans] Which popular candy bar originally came in three pieces?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which popular candy bar originally came in three pieces?"

.... It did indeed come in three pieces β€” vanilla, chocolate and strawberry β€” which allowed you to treat your friends to a piece or two. β€œAll for one or one for a couple of others,” as the famous trio might have said during a commercial break in Alexandre Dumas' classic novel, for which the candy was named. The History of the 3 Musketeers Candy Bar | 

The History of the 3 Musketeers Candy Bar Its creamy, chocolate nougat center, coated in milk chocolate, is every chocolate-lovers dream come true. ... But where did this famous candy bar come from and how did it get its name? ... It was originally packaged as three, individual mini bars of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry nougat; hence the name, 3 Musketeers.

May 21, 2017

[Ans] What famous old-school comic strip character did Alex Raymond create in 1934?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What famous old-school comic strip character did Alex Raymond create in 1934?"

Alex Raymond became known as "the artist's artist"[4] and his much-imitated style can be seen on the many strips he illustrated. Raymond worked from live models furnished by Manhattan's Walter Thornton Agency, as indicated in "Modern Jules Verne," a profile of Raymond published in the Dell Four-Color Flash Gordon.

[Ans] In 1885, what arrived stateside in 350 individual pieces, in more than 200 boxes?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In 1885, what arrived stateside in 350 individual pieces, in more than 200 boxes?"

The Statue of Liberty is a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess. She holds a torch above her head, and in her left arm carries a tabula ansata inscribed in Roman numerals with "JULY IV MDCCLXXVI" (July 4, 1776), the date of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.