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Showing posts with label Other. Show all posts

Apr 19, 2019

[Answer] 2. Which one of these birds stands out from the other three because it cannot fly: condor, curlew, greenshank, and kiwi?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Which one of these birds stands out from the other three because it cannot fly: condor, curlew, greenshank, and kiwi?"

...1. kiwi 2. greenshank 3. curlew 4. condor The flightless kiwi is indigenous to New Zealand. Because it is somewhat nocturnal, it is rarely seen by New Zealanders. Furthermore, it is an endangered species. All of this information and more can be found at the following source: www.chemistry.co.nz/kiwibird.htm .

Apr 18, 2019

[Answer] 2. To stop certain other fruits from turning brown after being sliced, sprinkling them with lemon juice is a perfect antidote. These include apples, avocados and what other particularly well known elongated fruit?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. To stop certain other fruits from turning brown after being sliced, sprinkling them with lemon juice is a perfect antidote. These include apples, avocados and what other particularly well known elongated fruit?"

...1. Oranges 2. Nectarines 3. Mandarins 4. Bananas This is because the lemon juice acts as a preservative. Such an excellent little fruit, its juices are perfect for all three of the above fruits (apples, avocados and bananas) to stop them turning a most unappetising colour after being sliced.

Apr 13, 2019

[Answer] Which country is home to more churches per square mile than any other nation?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which country is home to more churches per square mile than any other nation?"

...The island nation of Jamaica is in the Caribbean Sea, off the coast of the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Jamaica has grown considerably since gaining its independence from the United Kingdom in 1962. It now has a population of 2.8 million, with almost half calling the capital city of Kingston home. Jamaica also claims the title of "most churches per square mile" of any country in the world. Jamaica claims the fastest man in the world, sprinter Usain Bolt, as a native son. The island nation is also the first country in the Caribbean to create its own website. It went online in 1994. Source: JamaicansMusic.com

Apr 12, 2019

[Answer] 10. This self-proclaimed 'wise man' was famous for his debauchery (among other things). Ultimately, he was murdered. Who is he?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "10. This self-proclaimed 'wise man' was famous for his debauchery (among other things). Ultimately, he was murdered. Who is he?"

...1. Bosch 2. Nerval 3. Vincente 4. Rasputin He wasn't an easy man to kill - it took some doing to get it done.

Apr 8, 2019

[Answer] 1. In three billion years our galaxy is predicted to collide with which other galaxy?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. In three billion years our galaxy is predicted to collide with which other galaxy?"

...1. Triangulum Galaxy 2. Andromeda Galaxy 3. Perseus Galaxy 4. Bode's Galaxy Astronomers aren't entirely sure whether this will be a hit or miss affair, but the result would most likely be that the two galaxies would merge. Unless the solar system is near the centre of the mess, it's likely to emerge unharmed.

Mar 28, 2019

[Answer] 3. Which element, other than fluorine, can help to prevent caries? You can find this element in eggs and in green beans.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Which element, other than fluorine, can help to prevent caries? You can find this element in eggs and in green beans."

...1. Arsenic 2. Molybdenum 3. Lead 4. Oxygen Molybdenum is a whitish metal with a very high melting point. It has the atomic number 42. Molybdenum is present in tooth enamel. Sources indicate that it may contribute to preventing caries and tooth decay. A region with low molybdenum concentrations in the soil could typically present a higher occurrence of oesophageal cancer. Sources of molybdenum include eggs, liver, green beans, sunflower seeds, lentils and cucumbers. Overexposure to molybdenum is toxic. Inhalation of molybdenum fumes can harm one's health more readily than overconsumption of foods containing molybdenum. Arsenic and lead are highly toxic. Don't use products containing arsenic or lead to brush your teeth. Oxygen is very reactive. Oxidation is one of the best documented forms of decay of solid structures.

Mar 25, 2019

[Answer] A spring break trip to the other side of the world may take you to the tiny, mighty island of Hong Kong. The Peak Tram is a hugely popular attraction and is one of the world's oldest and most well-known ________.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " A spring break trip to the other side of the world may take you to the tiny, mighty island of Hong Kong. The Peak Tram is a hugely popular attraction and is one of the world's oldest and most well-known ________. "

...1. electric-diesel ferries 2. minibuses 3. funicular railways 4. escalators

Mar 22, 2019

[Answer] 6. (1992) Two sisters, one married the other not, leave the family dairy farm to try out for the first female professional baseball league. The league only exists because the war is on and a lot of the male baseball players have enlisted.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. (1992) Two sisters, one married the other not, leave the family dairy farm to try out for the first female professional baseball league. The league only exists because the war is on and a lot of the male baseball players have enlisted."

...1. Little Big League 2. A League of Their Own 3. Justice League 4. The Indoor League Penny Marshall directed Geena Davis, Lori Petty, Madonna and Rosie O'Donnell, to name a few. Tom Hanks was absolutely wonderful as their manager, a drunk who starts off believing that girls can't play ball, but soon believes otherwise.

Mar 15, 2019

[Answer] 9. In karate, the two opponents traditionally face each other and do what before each match?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "9. In karate, the two opponents traditionally face each other and do what before each match?"

...1. shake hands 2. bow 3. jump 4. exchange numbers Karate opponents bow to show respect for each other.

Mar 13, 2019

[Answer] 2. You head to eBay to purchase items from an online auction and you outbid the other buyers. When it comes time to pay, you ask for a mailing address to send a cheque. This is a no-no. What should the Digital You be doing instead to fix this problem?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. You head to eBay to purchase items from an online auction and you outbid the other buyers. When it comes time to pay, you ask for a mailing address to send a cheque. This is a no-no. What should the Digital You be doing instead to fix this problem?"

...1. Signing up for a PayPal account 2. Sending your cheque via webcam 3. Using eBay's 'eCash' system to trade credits for items 4. Mailing cash instead In order to become a contender in the world of online auctioning, you'll need to set yourself up with an account on eBay which includes setting yourself up through PayPal, the only of the options listed which is a viable solution to fixing your problem. To make yourself appear as one of the site's regulars, maintaining a connection to your online banking and being quick to act for good deals is a must. Because PayPal connects directly to your Chequings or Savings account through your bank, it is important that you attend to it with great care and ensure that you are well-protected. Unlike other online sites like Amazon, you may not simply purchase an item unless the page specifies that you can- otherwise the item acts as an auction piece with bids and closing times. Some can make millions from the buying and selling of items, some can simply reconnect with something from their past, and some will just flounder.

Mar 11, 2019

[Answer] 10. They go to a park, bigger than anything they've ever seen, filled with prehistoric animals and other meat eating things. First the power goes out and all the creatures escape, then finally the biggest one crashes out of the gate.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "10. They go to a park, bigger than anything they've ever seen, filled with prehistoric animals and other meat eating things. First the power goes out and all the creatures escape, then finally the biggest one crashes out of the gate."

...1. Westworld 2. The Lost World Jurassic Park 3. Jurassic Park 4. Jurassic Park 3 Key words are prehistoric animals, park, and escape.

Mar 7, 2019

[Answer] 5. Painting: I saw a painting the other day - it was that one with the big-nosed face on sticks, by the chap with the moustache. Which artist's name has slipped my mind?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. Painting: I saw a painting the other day - it was that one with the big-nosed face on sticks, by the chap with the moustache. Which artist's name has slipped my mind?"

...1. Sir Joshua Reynolds 2. Sandro Botticelli 3. Salvador Dali 4. Jackson Pollock The Surrealist artist Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dal� i Dom�nech (Salvador Dal�) painted the big-nosed face on sticks, officially titled "El sue�o" ("Sleep"), in 1937. In his imagination, he visualised the act of sleeping as a monster supported by the crutches (sticks) of reality. This charismatic Spaniard's artistic endeavours went beyond painting and included furniture design, jewellery, film, set design, fashion, and performance art. Many of Dal�'s works have disturbing, controversial or socially taboo subject matter, but are nevertheless objects of great imagination and fascinating wonder. One of Dal�'s quotes, often found in articles summarising his works, expresses the view of both the artist and many admirers of his art - "...just because I don't know the meaning of my art, does not mean it has no meaning...". Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) was given the epithet "Jack the Dripper" by "Time" magazine in 1956, from his unique style of "action painting". He preferred to use things such as sticks, trowels, knives, and dripping or throwing to apply paint to the canvas. He may even have employed his nose as a painting tool, although this is an unsubstantiated theory. Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792) was the first President of the Royal Academy of Arts, and painted many portraits, mainly in the Grand Style that idealised the subjects. Noses present in his portraits are all beautifully proportioned and not at all given to action or ambiguous interpretation. Sandro Botticelli (1459-1510) was an artist of the Florentine school, noted for paintings such as "The Birth of Venus". Close examination of the shapes and sizes of his subjects' noses, particularly in portraits, reveals the refreshing tendency to depict reality or near-reality.

Mar 6, 2019

[Answer] 10. Charlie Sheen who is also known for other things besides his acting, is brother to ___________ ?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "10. Charlie Sheen who is also known for other things besides his acting, is brother to ___________ ?"

...1. Ally Sheedy 2. Paula Abdul 3. Mike Myers 4. Emilio Estevez Charlie Sheen and his brother Emilio played in the movie 'Men At Work' together.

Mar 5, 2019

[Answer] 1. The idea of this game was to vault over others. Other children would stoop over and allow somebody to jump over them. What was the game called?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. The idea of this game was to vault over others. Other children would stoop over and allow somebody to jump over them. What was the game called?"

...1. Hop Frog 2. Jump Frog 3. Leap Frog 4. Vault Frog Leap Frog is a game we often played at school. The idea is for a line of children to stoop over and allow a another child to vault over them. The person vaulting would leap over the line of children and then stoop down at the finish to carry the line on. The child at the other end would set off and do the same. I, of course was easy to vault over, always being very small! The trouble came for me when I had to vault... (Question and interesting information submitted by peewee2)

Mar 4, 2019

[Answer] 5. This actor outshone all the other male stars of his day on sex appeal. "The Sheik" set a new standard for 'chick flicks'. Who was this screen dynamo?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. This actor outshone all the other male stars of his day on sex appeal. "The Sheik" set a new standard for 'chick flicks'. Who was this screen dynamo?"

...1. John Barrymore 2. Emil Jannings 3. Erich von Strohiem 4. Rudolph Valentino Valentino's early death added to his mystique. Pola Negri, among many females, was devastated. Valentino once said of himself "Women are not in love with me but with the picture of me on the screen. I am merely the canvas on which women paint their dreams."

Feb 28, 2019

[Answer] 2. The small intestine consists of three parts - the duodenum, the jejunum and which other section?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. The small intestine consists of three parts - the duodenum, the jejunum and which other section?"

...1. Sacrum 2. Brachium 3. Ileum 4. Cerebrum The duodenum is the first, and shortest, part of the small intestine, and receives partly digested food, called chyme, from the stomach via the pyloric sphincter. The mid part is the jejunum, with the ileum being the final part which is responsible for the final stages of digestion. Brachium refers to the upper arm, between the shoulder and elbow and the cerebrum is the major part of the brain. The sacrum is the bone at the base of the spine.

Feb 25, 2019

[Answer] 7. My name is Smeagol, my other name is Gollum.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. My name is Smeagol, my other name is Gollum."

...1. Stephen King 2. Daydd ab Hugh 3. Brad Linaweaver 4. J.R.R. Tolkien Gollum (aka Smeagol) is from J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" book series, and he is also in Tolkien's "There and Back Again: A Hobbit's Tale" better known as "The Hobbit". I hope you enjoyed this quiz.

Feb 11, 2019

[Answer] 7. What is it called when a quarterback or other player on offense gets sacked/tackled in their own end zone?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. What is it called when a quarterback or other player on offense gets sacked/tackled in their own end zone?"

...1. Touchdown 2. Fumble 3. Sack 4. Safety A touchdown is when a person on the offense steps into their opponent's end zone, a sack is when a quarterback gets tackled anywhere but the end zone and loses yardage, and a fumble is when a player on offense drops the ball.

[Answer] 3. The author of "Animal Farm" also wrote, among other titles, "1984" and "Coming up for Air". Who is this Indian-born British author?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. The author of "Animal Farm" also wrote, among other titles, "1984" and "Coming up for Air". Who is this Indian-born British author?"

...1. RL Stevenson 2. Ruskin Bond 3. Charles Dickens 4. George Orwell Eric Arthur Blair, better known as George Orwell, was born on 25th June 1903 in a British colony in India, and his parents took him back to England when he was one year old. George was not able to attend university because he didn't have money to pay the fees. He later became a member of the police force in Burma. This experience inspired him to write his very first novel, "Burmese Days".

Feb 7, 2019

[Answer] 6. Sometimes I am played on a court, other times I am played in the sand. Players may serve, volley, and spike the ball. Just don't touch my net with the ball when serving.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. Sometimes I am played on a court, other times I am played in the sand. Players may serve, volley, and spike the ball. Just don't touch my net with the ball when serving. "

...1. Soccer 2. Tennis 3. Basketball 4. Volleyball The birthplace of volleyball is Holyoke, Massachusetts. This is where the volleyball Hall of Fame is located.