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Jul 8, 2019

[Answer] 1. What are some of the warning signs of huffing or inhalant abuse?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. What are some of the warning signs of huffing or inhalant abuse?"

...1. High energy 2. Good grades in school 3. Active social life 4. Red runny nose, loss of appetite, depression Other warning signs include a drunk or dazed appearance, slurred speech, nausea or loss of appetite and anxiety.

Jul 5, 2019

[Answer] 2. Breakfast, or any other meal, would be embarrassing if you had what problem?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Breakfast, or any other meal, would be embarrassing if you had what problem?"

...1. a slap in the face 2. egg on your face 3. pansy face 4. leather face The most appropriate explanation of the origin to this phrase dates back to when actors had eggs or fruit thrown at them on stage. I always leaned toward grapefruit in the face a la James Cagney and Mae Clarke in 'Public Enemy'.

Jul 2, 2019

[Answer] 8. If a situation or a task is particularly unpleasant, it might be described as a "bed of ..."Complete the idiomatic phrase.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. If a situation or a task is particularly unpleasant, it might be described as a "bed of ..." Complete the idiomatic phrase."

...1. Fire 2. Nails 3. Glass shards 4. Nuts and bolts I somehow don't think that a "bed of nails" would be the nicest place to lay down, hence the idiomatic phrase "bed of nails" describes something that would be fairly unpleasant. However, according to physics, someone lying down on a bed of nails might not be harmed at all, provided that their weight was distributed evenly, meaning that the force exerted on the nail would not be strong enough to pierce through the person and harm them. In magician's shows, a typical trick might be to get a volunteer to lie on a bed of nails, while wooden blocks are laid on top of them, and then smashed with a sledge hammer. Sometimes, a bed of nails is even used for meditation purposes in certain parts of Asia.

Jun 28, 2019

[Answer] We had some good ideas for family mountain vacations. Which national park or forest is incorrectly paired with an activity or amenity we mention?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " We had some good ideas for family mountain vacations. Which national park or forest is incorrectly paired with an activity or amenity we mention? "

...1. swanky resorts at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park 2. educational adventures in Yosemite National Park 3. picnic lunches in Pisgah National Forest 4. zip line tours in Adirondack Park

Jun 20, 2019

[Answer] 1. Any important or special day of celebration is described by which of these expressions?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Any important or special day of celebration is described by which of these expressions? "

...1. Red-letter 2. White knuckle 3. Blue-plate special 4. White-bread The phrase 'red-letter day' comes from the times when church festivals were highlighted in red on the calendar. The first Book of Common Prayer, published in 1549, had all the holy days marked in red. It has now passed into everyday usage to describe any day which has a special meaning, like your wedding day, the day you get your dream job or the birth of a child. A blue-plate special is an American expression referring to a low priced meal and white-bread is another Americanism to describe someone boring. White knuckle is used to describe something frightening, such as a roller coaster ride, where gripping hard makes your knuckles turn white.

Jun 5, 2019

[Answer] 2. Prefix of di or bi, number of turtle doves, lowest prime number, deuce. What number is related to these clues?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Prefix of di or bi, number of turtle doves, lowest prime number, deuce. What number is related to these clues?"

...1. 7 2. 1 3. 2 4. 12 The prefix di is from Greek, bi from Latin. According to "The 12 Days of Christmas", there are two turtle doves. Prime numbers are only divisible by itself and one. The number two is the lowest and the only even prime number. Deuce is a synonym for a pair, or two of something.

Jun 3, 2019

[Answer] 1. What huge professional sporting championship is held in the USA on the first Sunday in February (or the last Sunday in January)?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. What huge professional sporting championship is held in the USA on the first Sunday in February (or the last Sunday in January)?"

...1. The World Series 2. The Super Bowl 3. The FIFA Cup 4. The Kentucky Derby The Super Bowl is the championship game of the National Football League (NFL) in the USA. It is a face-off between the American Conference and the National Conference within the League. The first Super Bowl took place on January 15, 1967. The game has grown into quite a cultural phenomenon since then, with many households holding huge viewing parties. By the early 21st century it had become a day of eating in the USA surpassed only by Thanksgiving Day. Some families also watch (or watch instead) the Puppy Bowl on the cable channel Animal Planet. Puppies play in a model stadium, and the program has a special Kitty Half-Time Show. All animals are from shelters and adoption information is provided on the air.

May 29, 2019

[Answer] In 2005, what comedian became the host of "Deal or No Deal"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In 2005, what comedian became the host of "Deal or No Deal"?"

...The correct answer is: C! The extremely successful NBC game show premiered just before Christmas in 2005. Howie Mandel was the host of the show for all four seasons it was on the air. After its fourth season, NBC tried to win over viewers with a daily half-hour version of the show, but it only lasted for two more seasons. Overall, the show was a huge success for NBC. We'd give Howie a high-five, but we all know how he feels about human contact.

May 28, 2019

[Answer] 8. Litmus is a common indicator used to tell whether something is an acid or a base. If you dip a piece of blue litmus paper into an acid, what color will it turn?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. Litmus is a common indicator used to tell whether something is an acid or a base. If you dip a piece of blue litmus paper into an acid, what color will it turn?"

...1. Red 2. Purple 3. None, it will stay blue 4. Yellow Acids are common in our lives: orange juice, sodas, and a lot of things we drink contain acids. But stronger acids can be dangerous, burning skin and corroding metal.

[Answer] 6. Running outside can be difficult when the weather is cold or rainy, or hot and humid. What item in a gym will you use as a substitute?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. Running outside can be difficult when the weather is cold or rainy, or hot and humid. What item in a gym will you use as a substitute?"

...1. Rowing machine 2. Treadmill 3. Universal machine 4. Leg press Treadmills were featured prominently in the music video, "Here It Goes Again", by OK Go.

May 20, 2019

[Ans] In 2018, internet users were split over whether a mysterious sound was either “Yanny” or what?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In 2018, internet users were split over whether a mysterious sound was either “Yanny” or what?"

"Yanny or Laurel" is an auditory illusion of a re-recording of a vocabulary word plus added background sounds, also mixed into the recording, which became popular in May 2018. In the brief audio recording, 53% of over 500,000 people answered on a Twitter poll that they heard a man saying the original word "Laurel", while 47% reported hearing a voice saying the name "Yanny". Analysis of the sound frequencies has confirmed that both sets of sounds are present in the mixed recording, but some users focus on the higher frequency sounds in "Yanny" and cannot seem to hear the lower sounds of the word "Laurel".

[Answer] In 2018, internet users were split over whether a mysterious sound was either “Yanny” or what?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In 2018, internet users were split over whether a mysterious sound was either “Yanny” or what?"

..."Yanny or Laurel" is an auditory illusion of a re-recording of a vocabulary word plus added background sounds, also mixed into the recording, which became popular in May 2018. In the brief audio recording, 53% of over 500,000 people answered on a Twitter poll that they heard a man saying the original word "Laurel", while 47% reported hearing a voice saying the name "Yanny". Analysis of the sound frequencies has confirmed that both sets of sounds are present in the mixed recording, but some users focus on the higher frequency sounds in "Yanny" and cannot seem to hear the lower sounds of the word "Laurel".

May 15, 2019

[Answer] 8. I'm either red, purple or green and I come in bunches.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. I'm either red, purple or green and I come in bunches."

...1. Grapes 2. Pears 3. Plums 4. Apples Grapes are most famous for being turned into wine. They are also good to take to the sick. They are full of vitamin C.

May 14, 2019

[Answer] 9. Are you here to watch my players or the cheerleaders? Quarterbacks are always popular, but remember tight ends are just as important. Great seats at the 50 yard line? Lucky you.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "9. Are you here to watch my players or the cheerleaders? Quarterbacks are always popular, but remember tight ends are just as important. Great seats at the 50 yard line? Lucky you."

...1. Basketball 2. Football 3. Baseball 4. Quarter Horse Racing In Super Bowl I and II, the Green Bay Packers won and their MVP was named Bart Starr.

May 10, 2019

[Answer] 8. What is it called when a player, without the ball on the offensive team is behind the last defender, or fullback?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. What is it called when a player, without the ball on the offensive team is behind the last defender, or fullback? "

...1. Offsides 2. Loitering 3. Crowding the Goal 4. Dangerous Play In the U.S. you do not play using offsides until you turn nine. Most referees will not call it unless they are informed of the play. A free kick results from the location where the foul occured.

May 9, 2019

[Answer] 9. In the USA, when you notify the bank of the theft of your ATM card, or personal checks, you should do which of the following?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "9. In the USA, when you notify the bank of the theft of your ATM card, or personal checks, you should do which of the following?"

...1. put stop payments on any outstanding checks that you are unsure of 2. cancel your checking and savings accounts and obtain new account numbers 3. all of these 4. ask the bank to issue you a secret password that must be used in every transaction

May 8, 2019

[Answer] 9. Please complete the expression used in England "People in glass houses (or greenhouses) shouldn't throw_________"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "9. Please complete the expression used in England "People in glass houses (or greenhouses) shouldn't throw_________"?"

...1. rocks 2. the baby out with the bath water 3. bricks 4. stones Clearly if you are in a glass house throwing stones is not a good idea, is it? More generally do not do or say something that might in turn reverberate back onto you. English and the culture of England are so simple aren't they?

May 4, 2019

[Ans] Which fictional character said the iconic line, "Do, or do not. There is no try."?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which fictional character said the iconic line, "Do, or do not. There is no try."?"

Happy Star Wars Day folks! Each year, May 4, celebrates George Lucas' Star Wars. The date was chosen for the pun on the catchphrase "May the Force be with you" as "May the Fourth be with you". The quote “Do or do not. There is no try.” was spoken by Yoda, played by Frank Oz, in the film Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. This is Yoda’s most memorable quote, and one of the greatest in all of Star Wars. Outside of the film, the line has become a modern slogan — a reminder to commit oneself to something completely, win or lose.

[Answer] Which fictional character said the iconic line, "Do, or do not. There is no try."?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which fictional character said the iconic line, "Do, or do not. There is no try."?"

...Happy Star Wars Day folks! Each year, May 4, celebrates George Lucas' Star Wars. The date was chosen for the pun on the catchphrase "May the Force be with you" as "May the Fourth be with you". The quote “Do or do not. There is no try.” was spoken by Yoda, played by Frank Oz, in the film Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. This is Yoda’s most memorable quote, and one of the greatest in all of Star Wars. Outside of the film, the line has become a modern slogan — a reminder to commit oneself to something completely, win or lose.

Apr 25, 2019

[Answer] 1. A person who has failed a test or lost a challenge is said to be what?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. A person who has failed a test or lost a challenge is said to be what?"

...1. up on a limb 2. down for the count 3. down the up staircase 4. up to no good "Down for the count" comes from the sport of boxing when a competitor has been knocked down or out by an opponent or cannot continue in a match. The boxing referee counts to ten; and if the faltering competitor cannot get up before the count of ten and return to the match, he or she is "counted out" by the referee and loses the match.