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May 14, 2019

[Answer] 9. Are you here to watch my players or the cheerleaders? Quarterbacks are always popular, but remember tight ends are just as important. Great seats at the 50 yard line? Lucky you.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "9. Are you here to watch my players or the cheerleaders? Quarterbacks are always popular, but remember tight ends are just as important. Great seats at the 50 yard line? Lucky you."

...1. Basketball 2. Football 3. Baseball 4. Quarter Horse Racing In Super Bowl I and II, the Green Bay Packers won and their MVP was named Bart Starr.

May 7, 2019

[Answer] 5. I built a powerful Communist dictatorship in the Soviet Union. My country was invaded by Germany in June 1941. Who am I?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. I built a powerful Communist dictatorship in the Soviet Union. My country was invaded by Germany in June 1941. Who am I?"

...1. Mikhail Gorbachev 2. Benito Mussolini 3. Josef Stalin 4. Nikita Khrushchev After World War II the countries in Eastern Europe liberated by Soviet forces became Communist states within 2-3 years. This was one of the main causes of the Cold War.

May 3, 2019

[Answer] 7. Both my father and I visited the oracle here.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. Both my father and I visited the oracle here."

...1. Delphi 2. Asia Minor 3. Lesbos 4. Halicarnassus Philip's concern was finding out who Alexander's father really was. After finding his wife, Olympias, in bed with a snake, he believed Alexander might be the son of Zeus. Philip was told to make sacrifices to Zeus, and revere him above all others. He was also told he would lose the eye (which he did) by which he saw Zeus. Alexander was interested in finding if his father's real assassin had been punished. On the day he visited the oracle it was closed. He went to the house of the priestess to persuade her to tell his future, and after a very strong battle of wills she told him, "My son, thou art invincible." Alexander took that as a good omen.

[Answer] 4. I had many hits with a well-known American boyband before going solo. I am famous for my hits such as "SexyBack" and I once had a relationship with Britney Spears. I'd like to remember my name - can you tell me what it is?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. I had many hits with a well-known American boyband before going solo. I am famous for my hits such as "SexyBack" and I once had a relationship with Britney Spears. I'd like to remember my name - can you tell me what it is?"

...1. JC Chasez 2. Justin Timberlake 3. Lance Bass 4. Curtis Jackson While JC Chasez and Lance Bass were both part of the band N*SYNC along with Justin, and JC had a brief solo career as well, Curtis Jackson is actually the real name of rapper 50 Cent. As well as a music career, Justin also voiced Prince Artie Pendragon in the 2007 film, "Shrek The Third". In 2002, he became the first celebrity to appear on MTV prank show "Punk'd".

May 1, 2019

[Answer] 5. "Pass me a serviette please, I spilled my poutine on the chesterfield." What did I just say?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. "Pass me a serviette please, I spilled my poutine on the chesterfield." What did I just say?"

...1. pass me a spoon, I dropped my ice cream on the carpet 2. pass me a newspaper, there's a spider on the table 3. pass me a plate, I dropped my steak on the patio 4. pass me a napkin, I dropped my fries with cheese and gravy on the sofa "Serviette" and "chesterfield" are words I have only heard used by my grandparents and their generation. Poutine was a cafeteria favourite when I was in high school; it's very difficult to mess up fries with cheese or cheese curd, and gravy.

Apr 29, 2019

[Answer] 8. I was born Carlos Irwin Estevez. I am an actor. My father and two brothers are also actors. My sister is an actress too. My first appearance in a movie was in 1972 when I starred alongside my father. Who am I?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. I was born Carlos Irwin Estevez. I am an actor. My father and two brothers are also actors. My sister is an actress too. My first appearance in a movie was in 1972 when I starred alongside my father. Who am I?"

...1. Patrick Swayze 2. Val Kilmer 3. Charlie Sheen 4. Tom Cruise Charlie Sheen was born on 3rd September 1965 in New York City, NY. He has appeared in many movies over the years. His most memorable performances (in my opinion) were in the movies "Young Guns" (1988), "Major League" (1989) and "Terminal Velocity" (1994).

Apr 25, 2019

[Answer] 6. I was the daughter of Gerald Ford. I was the first presidential child to have my senior prom at the White House. What was my name?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. I was the daughter of Gerald Ford. I was the first presidential child to have my senior prom at the White House. What was my name?"

...1. Susan Ford 2. Karen Ford 3. Sara Ford 4. Kathy Ford Susan Ford was the only daughter of President Gerald Ford. While living in the White House during her father's term, she also wrote a monthly column for "Seventeen" magazine!

Apr 17, 2019

[Answer] 9. What is one explanation for why my cat "kneads"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "9. What is one explanation for why my cat "kneads"?"

...1. a sign of aggressiveness 2. a sign of fear 3. a sign of feeling sad 4. a sign of well-being or contentment "Kneading" has been linked as a sign of affection because it's thought that the cat is portraying signs of wellness as they did in kittenhood with their mothers. As kittens, they knead on their mothers to increase the milk flow, and so when they continue kneading into adulthood it's believed to be a way of showing they feel loved and cared for.

[Answer] 6. "Don't try to make me change my mind with factsTo hell with the graduated income taxHow do I know? I read it in the Daily News.." sang Tom PaxtonBy law, by which date each year must people in the USA file their returns to the IRS?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. "Don't try to make me change my mind with facts To hell with the graduated income tax How do I know? I read it in the Daily News.." sang Tom Paxton By law, by which date each year must people in the USA file their returns to the IRS?"

...1. April 15 2. January 31 3. June 10 4. December 31 In the USA, the tax year runs from January 1 to December 31. People living there have until April 15 to file IRS returns for the previous tax year. Other deadlines may apply to State taxes. January 31 is the deadline for tax returns in the UK.

Apr 15, 2019

[Answer] 2. This friend is close to my heart. Some call him a bit of a dog, but to me he is sweet as chocolate. I know he often has a heavy cross to bear. Which nation, whose currency is the Euro like Vatican City, am I talking about now?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. This friend is close to my heart. Some call him a bit of a dog, but to me he is sweet as chocolate. I know he often has a heavy cross to bear. Which nation, whose currency is the Euro like Vatican City, am I talking about now?"

...1. Mongolia 2. Malaysia 3. Malta 4. Mozambique Malta is an island state that can be found in the Mediterranean Sea. It is to the south of the Italian island of Sicily. It was once part of the British Empire, but became an independent state in 1964. At first Queen Elizabeth II of England remained head of state, also holding the title of Queen of Malta. At the end of 1974 the country declared itself a republic. The capital of Malta is the city of Valletta. The Maltese dog is said to come from the island, or at least the region surrounding Malta. It is also associated with the city of Melita, that once existed on the island of Sicily. Maltesers are a type of chocolate covered, malted milk ball. Their name is not said to have been derived from the island. One of the symbols that is associated with the island is the Maltese cross, a symbol once belonging to the Knights of Malta. It is now seen as a national symbol.

[Answer] 1. I ignored a soothsayer and as a consequence was stabbed to death by conspirators, led by my supposedly dear friend. Who am I?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. I ignored a soothsayer and as a consequence was stabbed to death by conspirators, led by my supposedly dear friend. Who am I?"

...1. Mark Anthony 2. Cleopatra 3. Brutus 4. Julius Caesar Not fair! They attacked me! All I had was a stylus to defend myself with! What happened to "the pen is mightier than the sword?" Maybe next time, I should be careful about who I trust and don't trust. Only, there is no next time for me. "Then fall, Caesar!" I am dead. I've been dead for a long time, actually. Didn't you know? I thought that Shakespeare guy told you about me. "Beware the Ides of March." Caesar did not, and therefore died, supposedly saying the immortal line, "Et tu, Brute?" ("And you, Brutus?)" Julius Caesar died on March 15, 44 B.C. at the hands of conspirators led by Marcus Brutus. The conspirators were afraid that Caesar would become king and gain too much power, so they formed the plot.

Apr 9, 2019

[Answer] 10. My dog has an ear infection. What is the best treatment?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "10. My dog has an ear infection. What is the best treatment?"

...1. use a prescription from my other dog's ear infection 2. see your vet immediately 3. clean the ears with baby oil or rubbing alcohol 4. clean the ears with a cotton swab Ear infections can be simple or serious, either way you should see a doctor. Most infections are either fungal (yeast) or bacterial- these require 2 different types of medication. Ears should only be cleaned with an approved canine ear wash. Never attempt to place a cotton swab in your dog's ear canal. Leave this to medical personal who are familiar with the anatomy of the canine ear- you can cause permanent and painful damage.

[Answer] 5. My 'Flake' friend Margie is from a southern hemisphere country. General Jan Smuts was the Prime Minister of that country twice. What country?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. My 'Flake' friend Margie is from a southern hemisphere country. General Jan Smuts was the Prime Minister of that country twice. What country?"

...1. India 2. Canada 3. Pakistan 4. South Africa General Smuts was the Prime Minister of South Africa on two very separate occasions: 1919-1924 and 1939-1948. He is the only person to have his signature on the treaties that ended both World War I and World War II. He was born in 1870 and died in 1950.

Apr 5, 2019

[Answer] 6. I am a "Funny Girl" who grew up to be a "Funny Lady". My achievements earned me a major award that I shared with an amazing actress. I like to think back to "The Way We Were" sometimes. Papa would be so proud if he could see me. Who am I?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. I am a "Funny Girl" who grew up to be a "Funny Lady". My achievements earned me a major award that I shared with an amazing actress. I like to think back to "The Way We Were" sometimes. Papa would be so proud if he could see me. Who am I?"

...1. Katharine Hepburn 2. Belinda Carlisle 3. Audrey Hepburn 4. Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand's first film role was in "Funny Girl" and she later brought Fanny Brice back to the screen in "Funny Lady." In 1968 she shared the Best Actress Academy Award with Katharine Hepburn for her debut performance. She starred in the film "The Way We Were" (1973) with Robert Redford and played a young woman disguised as a man in order to get an education in "Yentl" (1982).

Mar 29, 2019

[Answer] 6. "When I am alive I do not speak.Anyone who wants to, takes me captive and cuts off my head.They bite my bare body.I do no harm to anyone unless they cut me first.Then I soon make them cry."Who am I?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. "When I am alive I do not speak. Anyone who wants to, takes me captive and cuts off my head. They bite my bare body. I do no harm to anyone unless they cut me first. Then I soon make them cry." Who am I?"

...1. A baby 2. A woman 3. An onion 4. A lamb There are bawdier versions of this riddle, which include the words "red skin and hardness", but I abstained from using them this once! The onion's juice, it seems, has been bringing tears to eyes for many centuries!

[Answer] 2. "Hello. My name is Alvin. I suffer from a fear of bulls. What is the name of my phobia?"

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. "Hello. My name is Alvin. I suffer from a fear of bulls. What is the name of my phobia?""

...1. Taurophobia 2. Equinnophobia 3. Cynophobia 4. Ailurophobia Some phobias can be hereditary. For example, if your parents suffer from a fear of spiders, you're twice as likely to develop that fear yourself. According to www.sciencemuseum.com, it's common for identical twins to suffer from the same phobia. Equinnophobia is the fear of horses, cynophobia is the fear of dogs and ailurophobia is the fear of cats.

Mar 26, 2019

[Answer] 9. (Song) On the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent me six geese a __________.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "9. (Song) On the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent me six geese a __________."

...1. Sleeping 2. Clucking 3. Laying 4. Flying

Mar 22, 2019

[Answer] 5. Are you here to watch my players or the cheerleaders? Quarterbacks are always popular, but remember tight ends are just as important. Great seats at the 50 yard line? Lucky you.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. Are you here to watch my players or the cheerleaders? Quarterbacks are always popular, but remember tight ends are just as important. Great seats at the 50 yard line? Lucky you."

...1. Quarter Horse Racing 2. Basketball 3. Football 4. Baseball In Super Bowl I and II, the Green Bay Packers won and their MVP was named Bart Starr.

Mar 21, 2019

[Answer] 10. While I have many excellent features, some say this is my best feature? "_________ when your heart is lonely..."

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "10. While I have many excellent features, some say this is my best feature? "_________ when your heart is lonely...""

...1. Eyes 2. Smile 3. Teeth 4. Nose In most of Julia's pictures, you can spot that lovely smile of hers right a way.

Mar 15, 2019

[Answer] 4. I'm a well known Jamaican beer. What's my name?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. I'm a well known Jamaican beer. What's my name?"

...1. Red Stripe 2. Reggae Red 3. Patches 4. Bars and Stripes Red Stripe was imported to the U.S. in 1985 in tall green beer bottles. It wasn't well received, so they switched to the familiar squat brown bottles sold in Jamaica.