Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of these cartoon characters worked for Mr. Cosmo Spacely? "
...Cosmo G. Spacely is George's moneygrubbing and arrogant boss, originally voiced by Mel Blanc. Frank Welker voiced a teenage version of Mr. Spacely in the Jetsons Christmas Carol and Jeff Bergman voiced Spacely in some scenes in ...
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which of these cartoon characters worked for Mr. Cosmo Spacely? "
George Jetson:
The Jetsons is an animated sitcom that had a bunch of wacky ideas about what 2063 would look like. George J. Jetson is a fictional character and the 40-year-old head of the Jetson family. George works for his short, tyrannical boss named Cosmo G. Spaceley, owner of the company Spacely Space Sprockets. Typical episodes involve Mr. Spacely firing and rehiring George Jetson, or promoting and demoting him. Other Jetson family members include Jane Jetson, the wife and homemaker; teenage daughter, Judy, and genius preteen son Elroy.
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