Step 1 : Introduction to the question "How much total money is in a standard Monopoly game?"
...1. $20,580 2. $25,320 3. $32,940 4. $40,060
All questions can't be solved in 3 steps! 3 steps are not required to solve all questions!
Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What was the original name of the Monopoly mascot?"
Rich Uncle Pennybags was modeled after American Progressive Era businessman J. P. Morgan. In 1999, Rich Uncle Pennybags was renamed Mr. Monopoly. The policeman in Monopoly has a name, too. You can thank Officer Edgar Mallory the next time he sends you to jail.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What was the original name of the Monopoly mascot?"
Rich Uncle Pennybags:
Mr. Monopoly, originally known as Rich Uncle Pennybags, is the long-standing mascot of the game Monopoly. He is depicted as a portly old man with a moustache who wears a morning suit and top hat. According to The Monopoly Companion, he was not added to Monopoly boards until 1936.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "What was the original name of the Monopoly mascot?"
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