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Showing posts with label Mina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mina. Show all posts

Apr 30, 2019

[Ans] How did Thomas Edison propose marriage to his second wife Mina Miller?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "How did Thomas Edison propose marriage to his second wife Mina Miller?"

Thomas Edison was one of history's most influential inventors, but his ingenuity didn't end there. Edison taught his second wife, Mina Miller, Morse code so the two could secretly communicate with each other, even while the family watched. It went beyond that purpose when he actually proposed to Mina in Morse code. When the time came, Edison asked, -- --- ..- .-.. -.. -.-- --- ..- -- .- .-. .-. -.-- -- . ("Will you marry me?") to which she replied -.-- . .. "Yes." The two were married on February 24, 1886. Edison even nicknamed his two eldest children "Dot" and "Dash," a reference to the dots and dashes used in Morse code.

[Answer] How did Thomas Edison propose marriage to his second wife Mina Miller?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "How did Thomas Edison propose marriage to his second wife Mina Miller?"

...Thomas Edison was one of history's most influential inventors, but his ingenuity didn't end there. Edison taught his second wife, Mina Miller, Morse code so the two could secretly communicate with each other, even while the family watched. However, it went beyond that purpose when he actually proposed to Mina in Morse code. When the time came, he asked. -- --- ..- .-.. -.. -.-- --- ..- -- .- .-. .-. -.-- -- ., ("Will you marry me?") to which she replied -.-- . .. "Yes." The two were married on February 24, 1886. Edison even nicknamed his two eldest children "Dot" and "Dash," a reference to the dots and dashes used in Morse code.