Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. In Julia's first sequel she played the part of Tess Ocean. In the first movie, Danny, her husband, and his gang robbed a casino vault. In the sequel, Tess and Danny both engaged in a thrilling thievery of a famous piece of art. Can you name the sequel?"
...1. Steel Magnolias (1989) 2. Runaway Bride (1999) 3. Ocean's Twelve (2004) 4. Erin Brockovich (2000) Before "Ocean's Eleven"(2001) and "Ocean's Twelve" (2004) Julia had never performed in a sequel. However, I do wish that she would make a sequel to "Pretty Woman"(1990) so we know how her fairy tale ending turned out. Did she live happily ever after? Only the writers know.