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Showing posts with label Its. Show all posts

Aug 20, 2019

[Answer] There Is A Theory That The Universe Will Come To An End When Its Ever-Increasing Rate Of Expansion Causes All Matter To Basically Fly Apart. What Is The Term Applied To This Theory?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "There Is A Theory That The Universe Will Come To An End When Its Ever-Increasing Rate Of Expansion Causes All Matter To Basically Fly Apart. What Is The Term Applied To This Theory?"

...Most experts believe the amount of matter in the universe will cause the expansion of the universe to slow down — and the universe may even contract once again to a single point, causing another Big Bang. But if there's enough dark energy in the universe, it could keep expanding indefinitely, leading to the Big Rip.

Aug 15, 2019

[Answer] What state elected a former pro wrestler as its governor?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What state elected a former pro wrestler as its governor?"

...1. Michigan 2. Wisconsin 3. Nebraska 4. Minnesota

[Answer] Which creepy Missouri museum was founded in 1874 as an asylum and has won awards for its medical history collections?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " Which creepy Missouri museum was founded in 1874 as an asylum and has won awards for its medical history collections? "

...1. Glore Psychiatric Museum 2. Salem Witch Museum 3. The Mutter Museum 4. Springfield Asylum

Aug 5, 2019

[Answer] Which country was the first to place the wolf under its protection?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which country was the first to place the wolf under its protection?"

...It was Germans Friedrich Nietzsche and Oswald Spengler who convinced the German government to place wolves under national protection. The designation was more iconic than practical, as the last wolves in Germany died in the middle of the 19th century. The last wolves in Yellowstone Park in the U.S. disappeared in 1926. Conservationists returned wolves to the region in 1995 and within 10 years, over 136 wolves roam the Park in about 13 different wolf packs. Source: WhiteWolfPack.com

Aug 4, 2019

[Answer] UNESCO added this rugged Newfoundland coastal area to its World Heritage list in 2016 for its ancient fossils, traced back 580 million years.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " UNESCO added this rugged Newfoundland coastal area to its World Heritage list in 2016 for its ancient fossils, traced back 580 million years. "

...1. Mistaken Point 2. To the Point 3. On Point 4. View Point

Aug 2, 2019

[Answer] 3. What popular board game's original US edition features the Pennsylvania Railroad as one of its spaces?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. What popular board game's original US edition features the Pennsylvania Railroad as one of its spaces?"

...1. Clue 2. Life 3. Monopoly 4. Trivial Pursuit The avenues and locations of the game were based on the actual locals in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Jul 27, 2019

[Answer] This coastal city is replanting its mangroves to fight climate change.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "This coastal city is replanting its mangroves to fight climate change."

...Abu Dhabi is using mangroves -- woody, salt-tolerant trees that grow along tropical coastlines -- to protect coastal areas from erosion, wave surges and floods by creating buffer zones and regulating tides.

[Answer] The Louvre has removed the name of this family amid a growing scandal of its alleged connection with the US opioid crisis.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The Louvre has removed the name of this family amid a growing scandal of its alleged connection with the US opioid crisis."

...The Louvre used masking tape to cover the Sackler name on signs of what was previously the museum's Sackler Wing of Oriental Antiquities.

Jul 25, 2019

[Answer] 7. Which of the following starred in 'Men In Black' and its sequel 'Men In Black II'?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. Which of the following starred in 'Men In Black' and its sequel 'Men In Black II'?"

...1. Wesley Snipes 2. Will Smith 3. Denzel Washington 4. None of them - it was Morgan Freeman 'MIB' was released in 1997 and Will Smith starred as Agent Jay. Tommy Lee Jones was Agent Kay, Smith's partner in the fight against invading aliens. 'MIB 2' was released in 2002.

Jul 18, 2019

[Answer] 3. Knowing that Djibouti is in northeastern Africa, you should know what its climate is like. Which of these best describes Djibouti?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Knowing that Djibouti is in northeastern Africa, you should know what its climate is like. Which of these best describes Djibouti?"

...1. Cold and wet 2. Cold and dry 3. Hot and dry 4. Tropical climate Most of Djibouti is covered in a hot, dry desert. There are some mountains with a little bit of forest in Djibouti, too. Djibouti is so hot, however, that not much can grow there and there is no arable land for permanent crops.

Jul 16, 2019

[Answer] Which company took its name from the fact that it specialized in selling insurance to federal employees?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which company took its name from the fact that it specialized in selling insurance to federal employees?"

...In 1936, Leo and Lillian Goodwin started an insurance company to serve federal government employees. That company was Government Employees Insurance Company, or GEICO. GEICO's original business model was predicated on the assumption that federal employees would constitute a less risky and more financially stable pool of customers compared to the general public. Whether you know it through the gecko or the caveman, GEICO has become one of the most well-branded insurance firms in the United States.

[Ans] Which company took its name from the fact that it specialized in selling insurance to federal employees?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which company took its name from the fact that it specialized in selling insurance to federal employees?"

In 1936, Leo and Lillian Goodwin started an insurance company to serve federal government employees. That company was Government Employees Insurance Company, or GEICO. GEICO's original business model was predicated on the assumption that federal employees would constitute a less risky and more financially stable pool of customers compared to the general public. Whether you know it through the gecko or the caveman, GEICO has become one of the most well-branded insurance firms in the United States.

Jul 9, 2019

[Ans] What snack food was legally barred from calling its product "chips"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What snack food was legally barred from calling its product "chips"?"

The container tubes for Pringles currently label the product as “potato crisps”. While Pringles are often thought of like a potato chip, technically it may just be referred to by its parent company as “crisps”. Pringles were originally known as "Pringles Newfangled Potato Chips", however, there were objections from other snack producers to the brand using the term potato chip to describe Pringles. The US Food and Drug Administration ruled in 1975 that Pringles could only use the word "chip" in their product name within the following phrase: "potato chips made from dried potatoes". Rather than do this, the company began referring to Pringles as potato "crisps" rather than potato chips.

[Answer] What snack food was legally barred from calling its product "chips"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What snack food was legally barred from calling its product "chips"?"

...The container tubes for Pringles currently label the product as “potato crisps”. While Pringles are often thought of like a potato chip, technically it may just be referred to by its parent company as “crisps”. Pringles were originally known as "Pringles Newfangled Potato Chips", however, there were objections from other snack producers to the brand using the term potato chip to describe Pringles. The US Food and Drug Administration ruled in 1975 that Pringles could only use the word "chip" in their product name within the following phrase: "potato chips made from dried potatoes". Rather than do this, the company began referring to Pringles as potato "crisps" rather than potato chips.

Jul 8, 2019

[Ans] What does England call its police officers?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What does England call its police officers?"

The concept of modern policing has its roots in pre-Victorian England, when the British home minister, Sir Robert Peel, oversaw the creation of London’s first organized police force. Peel’s patrolmen wore black jackets and tall wool hats with badges. They went out armed only with a short club and a whistle for summoning backup. Robert Peel’s system was a success, and by the mid-19th century large American cities had created similar police forces. In London, the policemen were so identified with the politician who created them that they were referred to as “Bobbies,” after the popular nickname for Robert.

[Answer] What does England call its police officers?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What does England call its police officers?"

...The concept of modern policing has its roots in pre-Victorian England, when the British home minister, Sir Robert Peel, oversaw the creation of London’s first organized police force. Peel’s patrolmen wore black jackets and tall wool hats with badges. They went out armed only with a short club and a whistle for summoning backup. Robert Peel’s system was a success, and by the mid-19th century large American cities had created similar police forces. In London, the policemen were so identified with the politician who created them that they were referred to as “Bobbies,” after the popular nickname for Robert.

Jul 4, 2019

[Answer] 7. Why did the first person to receive a guide dog change its name to Buddy?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. Why did the first person to receive a guide dog change its name to Buddy?"

...1. Because he had no friends and needed a buddy 2. Because his nickname was Buddy and he wanted them to match 3. Because he liked that name 4. Because this dog would go with him everywhere and be his Buddy He decided that since this dog would go with him every where the dog would be his Friend and buddy.

Jun 30, 2019

[Answer] In which Charles Dickens novel is the story partly told by its heroine Esther Summerson?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In which Charles Dickens novel is the story partly told by its heroine Esther Summerson?"

..."Bleak House" is considered one of the best works by British author Charles Dickens. It follows the Jarndyce family who expect to inherit money from a disputed case that runs on and on. Part of the story comes through Esther Summerson, the stalwart, motherly heroine of the novel. Dickens used the novel to satirize everything in the public sphere of the day, from Parliament to Christian philanthropy. "Bleak House" is also considered a trail-blazer of the detective fiction genre. The tale's by-the-book, unrelenting Inspector Bucket is generally considered the first police detective hero. Source: Britannica.com

Jun 24, 2019

[Answer] Which U.S. state selected the ornate box turtle as its official state reptile?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which U.S. state selected the ornate box turtle as its official state reptile?"

...The ornate box turtle is one of only two of its kind of land-dwelling turtles living on the Great Plains of America. The prairies and pastures are the favorite bits of real estate for these ornate box turtles. Their habitat ranges from the wilds of South Dakota, all the way down to southern Arizona and the Rio Grande valley. Kansas decided in 1986 to name these gentle creatures the official state reptile. The idea came from an elementary class in Caldwell, Kansas. Because of its official designation, it is illegal to take one of these turtles from the wild and keep it as a pet in Kansas. Source: StateSymbolUSA.org

Jun 17, 2019

[Answer] Which town changed its name in 2005 to get free TV?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which town changed its name in 2005 to get free TV?"

...DISH is a town in Denton County, Texas. This community was originally named Clark. In November 2005, the community accepted an offer to rename itself "DISH" (all capital letters) as part of a commercial agreement with a satellite television company. In exchange for renaming the town, all residents of the town have received free basic television service for ten years and a free DVR from Dish Network. There was no formal opposition to renaming Clark; twelve citizens attended the council meeting to support the measure.