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Apr 26, 2018

[Ans] Glacier Bay National Park is about the size of this state. Alaska Connecticut Vermont Georgia

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Glacier Bay National Park is about the size of this state. "

.... How big is Glacier Bay National Park? 3,560 kmĀ² Glacier Bay Basin/Area MORE RESULTS What state is the Glacier Bay National Park in? Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve is in the Alaska panhandle west of Juneau.

Apr 16, 2018

[Ans] What year was Yosemite National Park declared a World Heritage Site? 1916, 1942, 1948 ,1984

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What year was Yosemite National Park declared a World Heritage Site?"

...When was Yosemite National Park founded? Muir and Johnson lobbied Congress for the Act that created Yosemite National Park on October 1, 1890. The State of California, however, retained control of Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove. 

When Yosemite National Park was established? 1 October 1890 Yosemite National Park/Established 

 How much does it cost to get into Yosemite National Park? Yosemite Entrance Fees Description Good For: Cost Individual (on foot, horseback, or bus) 7 Days, Yosemite National Park $15 Motorcycle 7 Days, Yosemite National Park $25 Automobile 7 Days, Yosemite National Park $30 Yosemite Pass (automobile) 1 Year, Yosemite National Park

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What year was Yosemite National Park declared a World Heritage Site?"


 The park encompasses 747,956 acres in the central Sierra Nevada Mountain Range in California, with approximately 95% of the park federally designated wilderness. Yosemite National Park was declared a World Heritage Site on October 31, 1984.Mar 1, 2015

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "What year was Yosemite National Park declared a World Heritage Site?"

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