Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who portrays Galina "Red" Reznikov in the critically acclaimed TV series "Orange Is the New Black"?"
...She is known for the roles of Captain Kathryn Janeway on Star Trek: Voyager and Galina " Red" Reznikov on Orange Is the New Black. She first came to attention in the role of Mary ... Kate Mulgrew: 'Orange Is the New Black role is bliss' | The 61-year-old actress has played Galina 'Red' Reznikov in the Netflix series ... The series has been critically acclaimed since the beginning, and Kate thinks it's ... Famous Faces on "Orange Is the New Black" (Season One)! ยท Here are some of the stars who are key players in this comic/drama TV series. ..... the critically acclaimed Netflix original series "Orange is The New Black" where she ...
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who portrays Galina "Red" Reznikov in the critically acclaimed TV series "Orange Is the New Black"?"
Kate Mulgrew:
Kate Mulgrew was born in Dubuque, Iowa in April, 1955. She traveled to New York City at 17 to study acting and never looked back. She has starred in multiple TV series and movies and has been a frequent guest on myriad TV shows. Her best known roles are as Captain Katherine Janeway, commander of the Star Fleet vessel Voyager in "Star Trek: Voyager." She is currently lighting up the TV world as Galina "Red" Reznikov in the groundbreaking series "Orange Is the New Black." Source:
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