Step 1 : Introduction to the question "From the issue date, a passport is valid for how many years? "
Generally an adult passport is valid for ten years, such as a United Kingdom passport, United States Passport, New Zealand Passport (after Nov 30, 2015)[1] or Australian passport, or for five years as used to be the situation for a Papua New Guinean passport or currently for an Indonesian passport. Some countries issue adult passports for periods between five and ten years, such as the Cuban passport, which is valid for six years. Optional validity period[edit] Some countries allow adult applicants to choose a passport validity, usually 5 or 10 years. For an example Canada, Hungary, Japan, Mexico (3, 6 or 10), Russia or South Korea.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "From the issue date, a passport is valid for how many years? "
Passport validity is the length of time a passport can be used to travel to another country, or be used as a valid form of identification within or outside the issuing country before its date of expiration.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "From the issue date, a passport is valid for how many years? "
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