Step 1 : Introduction to the question "10. How many consecutive full terms of office can an elected president of the US serve, under the terms of the Constitution?"
...1. One 2. An unlimited number 3. Three 4. Two Under the 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution the president can only be re-elected once. There was unease in America when Franklin Roosevelt maintained what was felt by many to be too long a period of office and this Amendment to the Constitution was added in 1951. To amend the Constitution is extremely difficult and requires widespread support. A two thirds majority is required from both houses of Congress (or a special constitutional convention of states) and ratification by three quarters of the states. In theory, a president could serve almost two and a half terms of office. If a vice president were to take office on the death or incapacitation of the previous president with less than half of the four year term left, s/he could serve two more full terms. Hence the use of the phrase "full terms of office" in the question!