Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What fish was given the more appealing name, "Chilean sea bass" to attract American consumers?"
..Compared with the rest of the world, Americans are feeling pretty good about their finances. While many consumers in other countries are living paycheck to paycheck and worrying about becoming unemployed, American consumers are comparatively unconcerned about their household's financial future.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What fish was given the more appealing name, "Chilean sea bass" to attract American consumers?"
Patagonian toothfish:
Have you ever tasted Patagonian toothfish? Chances are, you have — only when you ate it, it was called Chilean Seabass. The name "Chilean Seabass" was invented by a fish wholesaler named Lee Lantz in 1977. He was looking for a name that would make Patagonian toothfish sound attractive to the American market. It may seem odd that a fish’s name was changed to make it sound more appealing, however it is actually more common than you may think. Monkfish was originally called Goosefish, Sea Urchin used to be called Whore’s Eggs and Orange Roughy was Slimehead.
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