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Showing posts with label Can. Show all posts

Jun 21, 2019

[Answer] 5. What can you do to help support the historic Rosa Bonheur Memorial Park?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. What can you do to help support the historic Rosa Bonheur Memorial Park?"

...1. All of these 2. Visit the official Rosa Bonheur Memorial Park website 3. Write letters to Maryland Senators and Delegates about the importance of protecting pet cemeteries 4. Volunteer on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 12 noon Since 2006, Rosa Bonheur Memorial Park has been maintained solely by volunteer labor. The only support that the volunteers have sought is to establish protection for all Maryland pet cemeteries and to increase the number of volunteers for maintaining the Rosa Bonheur Memorial Park. To learn more about the Rosa Bonheur Memorial Park and the actions being taken by volunteers to preserve this historic cemetery please visit: www.rosabonheursociety.com

Jun 10, 2019

[Answer] 4. Sometimes it's the middle names that can be an embarrassment. Which twentieth-century president took his mother's maiden name "Milhous", but probably wasn't called that in the White House?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. Sometimes it's the middle names that can be an embarrassment. Which twentieth-century president took his mother's maiden name "Milhous", but probably wasn't called that in the White House?"

...1. Jimmy Carter 2. Herbert Hoover 3. Ronald Reagan 4. Richard Nixon Nixon was born in California in 1913 to Francis Nixon and Hannah Milhous Nixon, a strict Quaker mother. From a relatively poor family with a strict upbringing, Nixon earned a scholarship to Duke University's law school, which would signal his future in politics. After losing to John F. Kennedy in the extremely close 1960 presidential election, Nixon dropped out of the public sight; his ability to revive from obscurity to win the 1968 presidential election over Hubert Humphrey was remarkable. It probably wasn't Nixon's middle name that was most embarrassing for him as president, though; despite his strong foreign policy record, Nixon will be remembered for his role in the Watergate affair, which caused him to be the first-ever president to resign the office.

Jun 6, 2019

[Answer] 8. In which of these countries can you find the following famous man-made constructs: The Great Wall, The Grand Canal and Tiananmen Square?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. In which of these countries can you find the following famous man-made constructs: The Great Wall, The Grand Canal and Tiananmen Square?"

...1. United Kingdom 2. Japan 3. India 4. China Some of the greatest and most imposing architectural structures in human history have been built in China. These include the Great Wall of China, begun in the 3rd century B.C. and completed during the Ming Dynasty, some time in the 16th century. The Grand Canal is a massive canal that was dug between the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. It is considered to be the largest canal complex in the world. Tiananmen Square is a huge public square in Beijing that was made famous to the world in 1989 when Chinese students protested their government. I hope you enjoyed this quiz and learned some of the basics of architecture. Please feel free to try some of my other quizzes if you enjoyed this one.

Jun 5, 2019

[Answer] 5. The third tip can help you maintain a healthy body weight. What is this tip?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. The third tip can help you maintain a healthy body weight. What is this tip?"

...1. Conserve your energy; move only when necessary. 2. Drink eight liters of sweetened or diet soda every day. 3. Make exercise a routine part of your day. 4. Compact your meals into one large meal per day. Yes, Tip #3 is "Make exercise a routine part of your day." Most public health organizations recommend between 30 and 60 minutes of physical activity each day. The IOM recommends 60 minutes, but that includes counting normal physical activities such as cleaning your home. Some of Dr. Fineberg's suggestions: "If you take public transportation to work, get out a stop or two ahead, and walk. Use your bike. Get out of the elevator a floor or two below yours and walk up.... Walk if you have to go one or two flights up or down." He adds that using an inexpensive pedometer could help you set and monitor goals for walking, and may give a boost to your motivation. Remember that the second tip and this third tip "together help you achieve and maintain a healthful body weight." Now there's a definite motivation.

Jun 4, 2019

[Answer] 3. Can you recall the name of the group that assured us that any time of year,there's always plenty of room at the "Hotel California"?CAUTION: They also told us "You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave".

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Can you recall the name of the group that assured us that any time of year, there's always plenty of room at the "Hotel California"? CAUTION: They also told us "You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave"."

...1. The Turtles 2. The Byrds 3. The Yardbirds 4. The Eagles Co-writer Don Henley led the vocals on this tribute to the pleasures of living in LA-La land in 1976 on the album of the same name. The Eagles released "Hotel California" as a single in 1977. It hit the top of the Billboard Hot 100 singles in May of 1977 and went on to win the Grammy for Song of the Year. Just three months after its release sales climbed over the million copies mark.

May 30, 2019

[Answer] 3. Who can forget Rhett pleading with Scarlett to "Kiss me, kiss me once"? Can you remember the movie?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Who can forget Rhett pleading with Scarlett to "Kiss me, kiss me once"? Can you remember the movie?"

...1. An Affair to Remember 2. Lady in Red 3. Gone With the Wind 4. Never Been Kissed "Gone With the Wind" (1939) is one of my all-time favourite movies. After two wrong marriages, and the civil war wreaking havoc in the south, the spoilt Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh) finally sees sense and marries Rhett Butler (Clark Gable). He's aware that she's really only marrying him so she can access his money to save the one thing that's dear to her: Tara. The marriage doesn't last however, and she vows to return to Tara, and start again. "After all, tomorrow is another day". Every time I watch the movie I wish it ended differently, or that Scarlett woke up to herself sooner.

May 29, 2019

[Answer] 8. This singer is sometimes known as "America's Troubadour." Can you name the man who wrote "This Land Is Your Land," "Roll On, Columbia, Roll On," and "Pastures of Plenty?"

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. This singer is sometimes known as "America's Troubadour." Can you name the man who wrote "This Land Is Your Land," "Roll On, Columbia, Roll On," and "Pastures of Plenty?""

...1. Woody Guthrie 2. Bob Gibson 3. Josh White 4. Perry Como Woodrow Wilson "Woody" Guthrie was born on July 14th, 1912 in Okemah, Oklahoma. He came of age during the Great Depression, and spent much of his youth traveling with migrant farm workers. Many of his songs are concerned with the problems faced by working class people during those trying times. He wrote hundreds of songs; no one knows how many, because he was careless about copywriting his songs, and never seemed to care if he made much money off them. Guthrie died on October 3, 1967 from Huntington's Chorea, an inherited, degenerative disease of the nervous system. His son, Arlo Guthrie, is also a famous folk singer. A movie of Guthrie's life, called "Bound For Glory," starring David Carradine as Woody, was released in 1976.

May 28, 2019

[Answer] 6. Running outside can be difficult when the weather is cold or rainy, or hot and humid. What item in a gym will you use as a substitute?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. Running outside can be difficult when the weather is cold or rainy, or hot and humid. What item in a gym will you use as a substitute?"

...1. Rowing machine 2. Treadmill 3. Universal machine 4. Leg press Treadmills were featured prominently in the music video, "Here It Goes Again", by OK Go.

May 24, 2019

[Answer] 3. Which of the following words can be defined as to "b" courageous?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Which of the following words can be defined as to "b" courageous?"

...1. brave 2. bruited 3. brutish 4. bashful Someone who is bashful (shy) might also be brave. A brutish (crude, animal-like) person might also be brave in certain circumstances. In both cases, acts of bravery might then be bruited (reported) about town.

May 21, 2019

[Answer] 5. Can you name the largest rattlesnake in the Western United States; responsible for more bites and deaths to humans than any other rattlesnake species?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. Can you name the largest rattlesnake in the Western United States; responsible for more bites and deaths to humans than any other rattlesnake species? "

...1. Western diamond-backed rattlesnake 2. Arizona black rattlesnake 3. Mohave rattlesnake 4. Black-tailed rattlesnake The Arizona Diamonbacks baseball team is named after the Western diamond-backed rattlesnake. More species of rattlesnake live in Arizona that any other U.S. state. At least thirteen species of rattlesnake call Arizona home.

[Answer] 1. Styes are bumps in the eyelids, and they can happen if one of the hairs that cover your eye is infected. What is such a hair called?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Styes are bumps in the eyelids, and they can happen if one of the hairs that cover your eye is infected. What is such a hair called?"

...1. Eyelash 2. Eyebrow 3. Eye hair 4. Stye hair The eyelashes are more important than you think. They protect the eyes from unwanted debris, but are very sensitive to touch. They are very thin, so they can easily enter the eye and cause discomfort. A stye can appear when oil gets stuck in the eye (lack of production of tears normally causes this).

May 19, 2019

[Answer] It is appropriate to be wary with American bison, as they can be dangerous and have been known to ______.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " It is appropriate to be wary with American bison, as they can be dangerous and have been known to ______. "

...1. jump as high as four feet 2. be grumpy when they're hungry 3. be attracted to tourists' jewelry 4. run as fast as 40 miles per hour

May 17, 2019

[Answer] 7. How can the gravitational pull of something be increased enough to create a black hole?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. How can the gravitational pull of something be increased enough to create a black hole?"

...1. by eating too much at Thanksgiving dinner 2. by joining with a second, identical object 3. by having its mass compressed 4. in reaction to a nuclear explosion When the mass of an object becomes compressed, the gravitational pull that the mass exerted remains constant, but becomes compressed, or concentrated, into a much smaller object. This means that even though it remains constant, it becomes more powerful. I know that this is confusing, so let's try another way. Take the gravitational pull of the Earth. It's strong enough to keep us from falling off but weak enough that we are able to move around. If we are able get a rocket ship moving fast enough, we can blast out of the gravitational pull and into space. Now, take the Earth and compress it into the size of a marble (which is about the size that the Earth would have to be compressed to in order to create a black hole). Remember, we aren't changing the mass of the Earth at all, just squishing it so that it's really, really tight, or dense. That mass would exert the same gravitational pull, but because it's now compressed into a really small area, it would be incredibly powerful. With black holes (and no, the Earth could never become one) we're talking about objects with considerably more mass. So much so that when they are compressed in the same way, they are still very large.

[Answer] 4. Can you name the condiment sauce which was originally produced in England in 1837, and consists of special blend of vinegars and seasonings?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. Can you name the condiment sauce which was originally produced in England in 1837, and consists of special blend of vinegars and seasonings?"

...1. Bovril 2. Cumberland sauce 3. Worcestershire sauce 4. Habanero sauce The first and original condiment known as "The Original & Genuine Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce" was first produced in England in 1837. The condiment was invented by two pharmacists John Wheeley Lea and William Henry Perrins, and is mainly used to give flavour to meat and fish dishes. The main ingredients in this spicy sauce are vinegar, anchovies, tamarind, onions, garlic, onions, molasses and salt,the mixture is then left to age for 18 months. The complete production process and all the ingredients of the sauce are kept a secret. In many countries the sauce is known commonly as the "English sauce".

May 16, 2019

[Answer] 8. The room I am played in can make players very hot and sweaty. The ceilings are very high and the ball bounces all over the room. Players use a racket to play my game.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. The room I am played in can make players very hot and sweaty. The ceilings are very high and the ball bounces all over the room. Players use a racket to play my game. "

...1. Ice Hockey 2. Indoor Soccer 3. Racquetball 4. Ping Pong Some of the awards given by the USA Racquetball Association are the Presidential Award, John Halverson Fair Play Award, and the Joe Sobek Outstanding Contribution Award.

[Answer] 7. Three of these are birds, can you spot the butterfly?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. Three of these are birds, can you spot the butterfly?"

...1. Marsh fritillary 2. Marsh warbler 3. Marsh harrier 4. Marsh tit The marsh fritillary is an uncommon butterfly. It has specific habitat requirements and is only found in parts of southern Britain. Marsh harriers are birds of prey which were once on the verge of extinction in Britain. Their numbers have improved greatly thanks to impressive work by several conservation bodies. Marsh warblers are extremely scarce summer visitors to Britain. They nest in small numbers in Worcestershire. Marsh tits are fairly common small birds. They are very similar in colouration to willow tits and the two are often difficult to tell apart.

[Answer] When adventuring in Grand Canyon National Park, which activity can you not do?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " When adventuring in Grand Canyon National Park, which activity can you not do? "

...1. mountain bike the Canyon Rim Trail 2. whitewater raft on the Colorado River 3. hike the Bright Angel Trail 4. take a scenic tour on the Grand Canyon Railroad

[Ans] Which sports league's commissioner has a last name that can be found on the periodic table?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which sports league's commissioner has a last name that can be found on the periodic table?"

Adam Silver is the current commissioner of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Silver was unanimously elected NBA Commissioner on Feb. 1, 2014, by the NBA Board of Governors. Since joining the NBA in 1992, Silver has also held the positions of Senior VP & COO, NBA Entertainment, and NBA Chief of Staff. Before joining the NBA, Silver was a lawyer at the New York law firm of Cravath, Swaine & Moore. In 2015, he was named one of Time's 100 Most Influential People and one of Fortune's 50 Greatest Leaders.

[Answer] Which sports league's commissioner has a last name that can be found on the periodic table?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which sports league's commissioner has a last name that can be found on the periodic table?"

...Adam Silver is the current commissioner of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Silver was unanimously elected NBA Commissioner on Feb. 1, 2014, by the NBA Board of Governors. Since joining the NBA in 1992, Silver has also held the positions of Senior VP & COO, NBA Entertainment, and NBA Chief of Staff. Before joining the NBA, Silver was a lawyer at the New York law firm of Cravath, Swaine & Moore. In 2015, he was named one of Time's 100 Most Influential People and one of Fortune's 50 Greatest Leaders.

May 14, 2019

[Answer] 8. Who can buy on eBay?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. Who can buy on eBay?"

...1. Only people with a credit card 2. Anyone can buy on eBay 3. Only people who have already sold something on eBay 4. Only people who have completed eBay's instructional tutorials If you buy items with a credit card and then get into a dispute with the seller, your credit card company may help you reverse the charge. As with selling, reading as much as possible in the Help section and the tutorials about how eBay works will make the buying process easier, but they aren't required.