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Showing posts with label Between. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Between. Show all posts

Jul 4, 2019

[Answer] 6. My personal favorite treat consists of a block of ice cream between two graham crackers or cookies. What is this frozen treat called in its basic term?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. My personal favorite treat consists of a block of ice cream between two graham crackers or cookies. What is this frozen treat called in its basic term?"

...1. Ice cream cookie 2. Ice cream sandwich 3. Frozen cookie and ice cream 4. Cookie and cream frozen sandwich bar The ice cream sandwich comes in many flavors but my favorite is still vanilla ice cream and chocolate cookies.

May 29, 2019

[Answer] 2. The famous Battle of the Boyne, between King James and King William of Orange, took place near Drogheda in what year?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. The famous Battle of the Boyne, between King James and King William of Orange, took place near Drogheda in what year?"

...1. 1960 2. 1874 3. 1701 4. 1690 The Battle of the Boyne took place on July 1st 1690, but is celebrated by Orange men on July 12th. The battle was won by King William, who was a Protestant.

May 17, 2019

[Answer] 6. The Quarab is a cross between what two horse breeds?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. The Quarab is a cross between what two horse breeds?"

...1. Quarter horse and Morgan 2. Quarter horse and Anglo-Arabian 3. Morgan and Arabian 4. Quarter horse and Arabian The Quarab is a horse that's the result of a Quarter Horse and Arabian cross. While muscular, they have the refined look of the Arabian, with the dished in face and high-set tail.

May 9, 2019

[Answer] 4. What was the name of the horse ridden by Robert E. Lee during the American Civil War, aka the War Between the States?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. What was the name of the horse ridden by Robert E. Lee during the American Civil War, aka the War Between the States? "

...1. Rienzi 2. Traveller 3. Cincinnati 4. Virginia Traveller carried General Robert E. Lee through most of the great battles of the American Civil War. Rienzi was General Sherman's mount, and Cincinnati was ridden by General Grant. As far as I know, there was no officer on either side who had a horse named Virginia. Traveller was an even-tempered horse of great stamina, which made him an ideal mount for a general who was usually found in the thick of things at the front. There's only one instance of Traveller not standing his ground in battle. It occurred at the Second Battle of Bull Run when General Lee was holding Traveller by the bridle, having dismounted to reconnoitre his position. Something spooked Traveller and the horse pulled Lee down onto a tree stump. Both of Lee's hands were broken and through the remainder of that campaign a courier rode in front leading Traveller. After the war, Traveller accompanied Lee to Washington College in Lexington, where the horse was a great favourite with the students. In 1870 Traveller took part in Lee's funeral procession, bearing the General's saddle and boots, which were draped in black crepe, and following the caisson carrying Lee's coffin. In 1871, Traveller fell victim to tetanus, which was incurable back then, and he was euthanized.

Apr 30, 2019

[Answer] 10. In which region in Scotland are the mountains higher, the distances greater between villages and towns? This region is the stronghold of the Gaelic language.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "10. In which region in Scotland are the mountains higher, the distances greater between villages and towns? This region is the stronghold of the Gaelic language."

...1. Grampian 2. The Borders 3. The Lothians 4. The Highlands

Apr 8, 2019

[Answer] 10. In which region in Scotland are the mountains higher, the distances greater between villages and towns? This region is the stronghold of the Gaelic language.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "10. In which region in Scotland are the mountains higher, the distances greater between villages and towns? This region is the stronghold of the Gaelic language."

...1. The Borders 2. Grampian 3. The Highlands 4. The Lothians

Mar 7, 2019

[Answer] 1. Begun by the annexation of Texas by the USA, what was the war between the USA and Mexico called?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Begun by the annexation of Texas by the USA, what was the war between the USA and Mexico called?"

...1. Texas Rodeo 2. War over Texas 3. Mexican-Texan War 4. Mexican-American War In 1835, Texas revolted against Mexican rule. After various battles, the Mexican launched a campaign in which Mexican President Santa Anna (Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna) led his army into Texas to crush their army. They captured the Alamo, killing almost all of the garrison, although they suffered many casualties. After chasing the rest of the Texas army led by Samuel Houston, Santa Anna was defeated by the Texans, who gave no quarter, yelling their famous cry, "Remember the Alamo!" Despite the defeat and capture of Santa Anna, Mexico refused to back down. When the US annexed Texas, Mexico declared war. Two years later, American armies captured Mexico City. Soon after, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed. In the treaty, Mexico agreed to relinquish all claim to Texas and other states, including New Mexico. While the Texans did battle with the Mexicans, the question specifically asked for the name of the war between America and Mexico, so the incorrect answers were wrong because they are not only not commonly used (if at all) terms regarding the Texans' struggle, but also did not mention the United States at all.

Mar 4, 2019

[Answer] 2. This influential American astronomer devised a classification system for galaxies. He also discovered the relationship between a galaxy's distance from Earth and its speed relative to it, thereby establishing that the universe is expanding. Who was he?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. This influential American astronomer devised a classification system for galaxies. He also discovered the relationship between a galaxy's distance from Earth and its speed relative to it, thereby establishing that the universe is expanding. Who was he?"

...1. Harlow Shapley 2. G�rard de Vaucouleurs 3. Edwin Hubble 4. George Ogden Abell Edwin Hubble, a Missouri native, was born in 1889 and he joined the staff at Mount Wilson Observatory in 1919. His main contribution to astronomy is the discovery that some "nebulae" are really galaxies beyond the Milky Way and that the universe as a whole is expanding. The Hubble Space Telescope, launched in 1990, was named in his honor. -StetsonHat

Jan 16, 2019

[Answer] 3. Between 1985 and 1987, Whitney Houston hit number one on the United States Billboard Hot 100 with seven different songs. In 1992, Whitney Houston married which member of the singing group New Edition?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Between 1985 and 1987, Whitney Houston hit number one on the United States Billboard Hot 100 with seven different songs. In 1992, Whitney Houston married which member of the singing group New Edition?"

...1. Michael Bivins 2. Bobby Brown 3. Ricky Bell 4. Ralph Tresvant Whitney Houston met singer Bobby Brown at the 1989 Soul Train Music Awards and they were married on March 4, 1993. Bobby Brown sang lead on New Edition's 1984 song "Mr. Telephone Man", which hit number twelve on the United States Billboard Hot 100. Between 1988 and 1992, Bobby Brown had eight solo top ten hits on the United States Billboard Hot 100.

Dec 18, 2018

[Answer] 7. In 1963 during the Cold War, the first hotline was installed between the White House in Washington D.C. and the Kremlin in Moscow. What was said to be the color of the phone for this hotline?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. In 1963 during the Cold War, the first hotline was installed between the White House in Washington D.C. and the Kremlin in Moscow. What was said to be the color of the phone for this hotline?"

...1. White 2. Green 3. Black 4. Red They called it the red telephone, but in actuality the original apparatus was an old teleprinter which was an electromechanical device similar in appearance to a typewriter for transmitting the written word between two points via simple electrical wire. The leaders of the United States and the Soviet Union agreed that they should find a means to speak directly and immediately to each other. The line was made available with no interference other than by the interpreters at any time of day. Up to that point, there had been a real danger of accidental nuclear war being triggered by deputies while the leaders were unable to contact each other. A real telephone was not installed until 1970.

Dec 17, 2018

[Answer] 10. What do we call the conversation between two or more characters?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "10. What do we call the conversation between two or more characters?"

...1. irony 2. dialect 3. dialogue 4. connotation It is an important element in most stories and novels to show what a character is like.

Dec 13, 2018

[Answer] 4. In between neurones there is a small gap along which chemicals are sent from one neurone to the other. What is the name given to these chemical substances?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. In between neurones there is a small gap along which chemicals are sent from one neurone to the other. What is the name given to these chemical substances?"

...1. Nephrotransmitters 2. Neurotransmitters 3. Hepatotransmitters 4. Cardiotransmitters These neurotransmitters are essential if the impulse from one neurone is to be propagated along the axon of the next neurone. The neurotransmitters are secreted from the first neurone, stimulated to do so by the presence of calcium ions (Ca2+), and subsequently bind to protein receptors on the second neurone. This results in the diffusion of sodium ions (Na+) and potassium ions (K+) in and out of the second neurone, thus generating an impulse. Examples of neurotransmitters are noradrenalin and acetylcholine.

Dec 6, 2018

[Answer] 8. Which of these rivers forms a border between Thailand and Laos?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. Which of these rivers forms a border between Thailand and Laos?"

...1. Tin Fang 2. Mekong 3. Irrawaddy 4. Potomac The Mekong is the third longest river in Asia. The rare Asian river dolphin makes its home in it.

Dec 5, 2018

[Answer] 8. In the NFL, which football positions usually have numbers between 1-19?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "8. In the NFL, which football positions usually have numbers between 1-19?"

...1. Tight Ends and Linebackers 2. Kickers and Quarterbacks 3. Defensive and Offensive Linemen 4. Centers and Linebackers Here is the (usual) numbering system: 1-19: quarterbacks and kickers 20-49: running backs and defensive backs 50-59: centers and linebackers 60-79: defensive linemen and offensive linemen 80-89: wide receivers and tight ends.

Nov 28, 2018

[Answer] 4. Who was regarded as 'The most powerful American banker of his time, helped build a credit bridge between Europe and America, and financially rescued the US government twice'?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. Who was regarded as 'The most powerful American banker of his time, helped build a credit bridge between Europe and America, and financially rescued the US government twice'?"

...1. J P Morgan 2. David Leavitt 3. Jay Gould 4. H W Wisham Born in Hertford, Conneticut, J P Morgan joined the banking world after two years of university in Germany. Early in his banking career he lent money to reorganize the railroad system. In 1893, when there was a major downturn in the economy, Morgan and his company stepped in and guaranteed the gold reserves. He was a brilliant banker and financial wizard. He founded U.S. Steel in 1901. He was also an avid art collector, and his hand-picked contributions made the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York the treasure that it is today.

Nov 23, 2018

[Answer] 9. Which Moore played 'James Bond' seven times between 1973 and 1985?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "9. Which Moore played 'James Bond' seven times between 1973 and 1985?"

...1. Sean Moore 2. Roger Moore 3. Timothy Moore 4. Pierce Moore Roger Moore replaced Sean Connery as 'James Bond' and his first film was 'Live and Let Die' in 1973. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 2003.

Oct 16, 2018

[Answer] From the wonderful Dan Quayle: Republicans understand the importance of ___________ between mother and child?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "From the wonderful Dan Quayle: Republicans understand the importance of ___________ between mother and child?"

...The fact that Mr. Quayle's quotes are entirely unintentional makes them all the sweeter.

Sep 25, 2018

[Answer] difference between instance store and ebs

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "difference between instance store and ebs"

...Some Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance types come with a form of directly attached, block-device storage known as the instance store. The instance store is ideal for temporary storage, because the data stored in instance store volumes is not persistent through instance stops, terminations, or hardware failures. For data you want to retain longer, or if you want to encrypt the data, use Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes instead. EBS volumes preserve their data through instance stops and terminations, can be easily backed up with EBS snapshots, can be removed from one instance and reattached to another, and support full-volume encryption.

Jul 21, 2018

[Ans] What is a hybrid cross between a domestic cow and an American Bison called?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is a hybrid cross between a domestic cow and an American Bison called?"

Hybrid crossbreeding between domesticated cows and the iconic American Bison was a fairly common occurrence as far back as 1749. It was about 100 years, however, before there was intentional crossbreeding as a regular practice. About 200 years later, these "beefalo" became a popular farm animal in the 1970s. Although popularity has waned over the years, there are still beefalo fans out there. A beefalo steak from the Merrill Cattle Co. won the top rating in the American Royal Steak Competition for two years in a row. Source: ModernFarmer.com

[Answer] Which U.S. President made the first telephone call to the moon?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which U.S. President made the first telephone call to the moon?"

...On this day in 1969, Richard Nixon made the first phone call to the moon. That ultimate long-distance call, via telephone-to-radio transmission, happened at 11:49 pm in the Oval Office. Nixon began by saying, "Hello, Neil and Buzz. I am talking to you by telephone from the Oval Office of the White House. And this certainly has to be the most historic telephone calls ever made. I just can't tell you how proud we are of what you have done."