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Showing posts with label Average. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Average. Show all posts

Jul 1, 2019

[Answer] 6. Which of these, on average, costs a lot more for young men than for young women in the US and Canada?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. Which of these, on average, costs a lot more for young men than for young women in the US and Canada?"

...1. Car insurance 2. Rent 3. University education 4. Shoes Car insurance for male drivers is, on average, higher than female drivers in the US and Canada. This is especially true for adolescents and new drivers, even those who are insured as secondary drivers. This is due to statistics that show that males typically make more costly insurance claims. Males tend to drive more often and farther distances than females, and are therefore more likely to get into accidents at all ages. Young women may have their fair share of 'oops'es behind the wheel, but young men are typically more reckless and therefore their accidents end up being more serious or expensive. Generally, insurance costs for males will decrease as the individual gets older and gains more driving experience, unless there are accidents and tickets on their record.

Jun 29, 2019

[Answer] On average, how many pounds of pork does each American consume every year?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "On average, how many pounds of pork does each American consume every year?"

...Who doesn't love a good pulled-pork sandwich? This summer favorite and smoky baby-back ribs are perennial favorites for the grill in the summer, especially in Southern cooking. But there are other pork favorites that Americans love. When you consider bacon, holiday hams and pepperoni, the average American will enjoy about 50 pounds of pork each calendar year. As a whole, the U.S. consumes about 15.9 billion pounds of pork each year. Source: ChowHound.com

Jun 16, 2019

[Ans] What is the average age of a father of a newborn baby in the United States?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the average age of a father of a newborn baby in the United States?"

The average age of a father of a newborn in the United States was 30.9 years old, according to a Stanford University report. Researchers analyzed 168,867,480 births -- all the live births reported in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Vital Statistics System from 1972 to 2015. Men over the age of 40 make up 9% of all U.S. births (that number more than doubled from 4.1% since 1973), whereas men over the age of 50 account for nearly 1%. The youngest dad for the period studied was just 11 years old, while the oldest was 88.

[Answer] What is the average age of a father of a newborn baby in the United States?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the average age of a father of a newborn baby in the United States?"

...The average age of a father of a newborn in the United States was 30.9 years old, according to a Stanford University report. Researchers analyzed 168,867,480 births -- all the live births reported in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Vital Statistics System from 1972 to 2015. Men over the age of 40 make up 9% of all U.S. births (that number more than doubled from 4.1% since 1973), whereas men over the age of 50 account for nearly 1%. The youngest dad for the period studied was just 11 years old, while the oldest was 88.

May 13, 2019

[Answer] What is the average number of Facebook friends in the network of an adult user?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the average number of Facebook friends in the network of an adult user?"

...Facebook is universally recognized as the dominant social networking platform. From adults to teens and younger, Facebook use continues to grow and shows no real sign of diminishing. The number of friends found in a particular user's network varies greatly by age. Adult Facebook users, on average, have 338 friends listed in their networks. The median number of friends in a network for an adult user is 200. Facebook users aged 18-29 have an average of more than 500 friends in their networks. Older user aged 65 and over generally have 100 friends or fewer. Source: PewResearch.org

[Answer] At what average age do American women become first-time mothers?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "At what average age do American women become first-time mothers?"

...Women are becoming mothers later in life. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the average age of American women at the time of their first birth is 26.3. The increase in the average age to have a baby reflects two broader trends: women getting married later in life and more women attending college. The average age at which women tie the knot for the first time is 27.6 years, rising to 29.5 years for men. That's a sharp jump from the average marriage ages of 21 and 23 reported in 1968.

[Ans] At what average age do American women become first-time mothers?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "At what average age do American women become first-time mothers?"

Women are becoming mothers later in life. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the average age of American women at the time of their first birth is 26.3. The increase in the average age to have a baby reflects two broader trends: women getting married later in life and more women attending college. The average age at which women tie the knot for the first time is 27.6 years, rising to 29.5 years for men. That's a sharp jump from the average marriage ages of 21 and 23 reported in 1968.

Apr 22, 2019

[Ans] Approximately how much water does the average American use every day?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Approximately how much water does the average American use every day?"

Happy Earth Day folks! The average person uses 101.5 gallons of water per day. It’s easy to forget that we use water in ways we don't realize every day. On average, toilets are flushed 5 times a day per person and represent the single highest use of water in the average home. Toilet flushing makes up about 24% of overall household water consumption. In an average home, showering is the second largest water use. The average shower uses 15.8 gallons and lasts for 7.7 minutes at an average flow rate of 2.1 gallons per minute. Water flowing through opened faucets ranks third, and accounts for 19% of total water use.

[Answer] Approximately how much water does the average American use every day?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Approximately how much water does the average American use every day?"

...Happy Earth Day folks! The average person uses 101.5 gallons of water per day. It’s easy to forget that we use water in ways we don't realize every day. On average, toilets are flushed 5 times a day per person and represent the single highest use of water in the average home. Toilet flushing makes up about 24% of overall household water consumption. In an average home, showering is the second largest water use. The average shower uses 15.8 gallons and lasts for 7.7 minutes at an average flow rate of 2.1 gallons per minute. Water flowing through opened faucets ranks third, and accounts for 19% of total water use.

Feb 6, 2019

[Answer] 3. An average Joe becomes a senator in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" to help out the Boy Rangers. Who plays Mr. Smith?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. An average Joe becomes a senator in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" to help out the Boy Rangers. Who plays Mr. Smith?"

...1. Cary Grant 2. Rod Steiger 3. Gregory Peck 4. James Stewart Jean Arthur is his co-star. After the film's premiere, some people in the government claimed the film was anti-American for its portrayal of Congress. Capra's motivation was to show what an impact a single person can make. This movie was banned in Nazi Germany and the USSR.

Jan 7, 2019

[Answer] 4. Synonyms: average, ordinaryAntonyms: exceptional, outstanding

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. Synonyms: average, ordinary Antonyms: exceptional, outstanding"

...1. militant 2. mediocre 3. muddle 4. meddle Mediocre means "neither very good nor very bad". It is an adjective. It comes from the Latin word mediocris.

Jan 3, 2019

[Answer] What is the average length of a Thanksgiving long-distance trip in the U.S.?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the average length of a Thanksgiving long-distance trip in the U.S.?"

...People traveling to get to family and friends over the Thanksgiving holidays increases by as much as 54 percent over the travel distances for the rest of the year. The U.S. Department of Transportation lists the average Thanksgiving trip to visit family and friends at about 214 miles long. It is one of the top three holidays for traveling. Each year, more than 40 million Americans are driving 50 miles or more to spend time with family and friends. This is also the time of year when more traffic accidents occur, so remaining vigilant while on the road is an absolute must. Source: JBLE.AF.mil

Dec 10, 2018

[Answer] How much does the average American spend on Thanksgiving?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "How much does the average American spend on Thanksgiving?"

...It seems like American retailers jump straight from Halloween to Christmas. Many believe Thanksgiving is getting lost in competition for sales of Christmas items. But for many others, Thanksgiving is still a day for family and friends. Thanksgiving is time for a festive meal enjoyed with good company. These festivities may not rise to the celebratory level of Christmas but there is still usually an outlay of cash to make it happen. The average American plans to spend about $175 on the holiday and its meal. Source: Finance.Yahoo.com

Dec 5, 2018

[Answer] On average, how long does it take to grow a Christmas tree to typical height?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "On average, how long does it take to grow a Christmas tree to typical height?"

...Growing Christmas trees is big business around the world, especially in the United States. The National Christmas Tree Association reports there are close to 15,000 Christmas tree farms in the U.S. These farms employ over 100,000 people in full or part-time jobs. Growing a Christmas tree to the typically desired height of 6 to 7 feet can take as long as 15 years. Some can reach this height in as little as 4 years but on average, it takes 7 years to get a Christmas tree to optimum height for sale. Source: RealChristmasTrees.org

[Answer] Tahoe Basin receives an average of ______ inches of snowfall a year.

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " Tahoe Basin receives an average of ______ inches of snowfall a year. "

...1. 20 2. 300 3. 400 4. 900

Nov 6, 2018

[Answer] How many seeds are in an average medium-sized pumpkin?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "How many seeds are in an average medium-sized pumpkin?"

...The best way to estimate the number of seeds in a pumpkin is to count the number of sections the pumpkin has, then multiply that number by 16. An average, medium-sized pumpkin will usually contain around 500 seeds. The number of seeds can vary, depending on the type of pumpkin it is and its size and weight. Pumpkin seeds are a tasty snack to some and contain rich amounts of protein and fiber. They are also good sources of zinc, manganese and iron. The only completely accurate way to determine how many seeds a pumpkin has is to cut it open and count them. Source: Reference.com

Nov 5, 2018

[Answer] How many calories does the average person consume at a Thanksgiving dinner celebration?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "How many calories does the average person consume at a Thanksgiving dinner celebration?"

...When calculating the calorie consumption at an average Thanksgiving dinner in the U.S., pre- and post-dinner nibbling, appetizers and drinks before and after the meal all contribute to the final calorie count. Research from the Calorie Control Council lists a typical Thanksgiving dinner at a whopping 3,000 calories. When you add in the 1,500 additional calories from nibbling and drinks, an average Thanksgiving dinner may pack an incredible 4,500 calories or more. This means a typical holiday dinner of turkey with stuffing and all the trimmings is equal to more than 2 1/4 times most people's average daily calorie intake. Source: CalorieControl.org

Oct 29, 2018

[Answer] What is the average number of Facebook friends in the network of an adult user?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the average number of Facebook friends in the network of an adult user?"

...Facebook is universally recognized as the dominant social networking platform. From adults to teens and younger, Facebook use continues to grow and shows no real sign of diminishing. The number of friends found in a particular user's network varies greatly by age. Adult Facebook users, on average, have 338 friends listed in their networks. The median number of friends in a network for an adult user is 200. Facebook users aged 18-29 have an average of more than 500 friends in their networks. Older user aged 65 and over generally have 100 friends or fewer. Source: PewResearch.org

Sep 10, 2018

[Answer] Which country leads in highest number of tornadoes each year, on average?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which country leads in highest number of tornadoes each year, on average?"

...Tornadoes are part of severe convective storms and this type of storm happens all over the Earth. Tornadoes are, therefore, not limited to any specific geographic area. They have been documented on every continent, except Antarctica. Some parts of the world are more prone to tornado development than others. The United States leads the list of countries with the highest number of tornadoes per year, with an average over 1,000. Canada's average of around 100 per year brings it in at a distant second. Source: NCDC.NOAA.gov

Aug 3, 2018

[Answer] An average of _____ people in the United States fall victim to hate crimes each year?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "An average of _____ people in the United States fall victim to hate crimes each year?"

...I hate crime (also known as a bias-motivated crime or bias crime) is a prejudice-motivated crime which occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her membership (or perceived membership) in a certain social group or race. Examples of such groups can include and are almost exclusively limited to: sex, ethnicity, disability, language, nationality, physical appearance, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation. Non-criminal actions that are motivated by these reasons are often called "bias incidents".