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Showing posts with label Artists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Artists. Show all posts

Dec 25, 2018

[Answer] 5. Why do stained glass artists grind the edges of the cut pieces of glass?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. Why do stained glass artists grind the edges of the cut pieces of glass?"

...1. To adjust the fit of the piece in the project 2. To keep from cutting themselves when working on the piece 3. All of these 4. To allow the copper foil to stick to the edges of the glass When I first started making glass, I relied heavily on the grinder for adjustments in piece shape. After many years of practice I now use the grinder merely to rough up my edges.

Dec 1, 2018

[Answer] Which of the following is not the artist's birth name?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of the following is not the artist's birth name?"

...Adam Ant's birth name is Stuart Leslie Goddard. He changed his name in 1976 (age 22) after suffering a nervous breakdown and an attempted suicide. He was the lead singer for the British rock band Adam and the Ants.

Dec 17, 2017

[Ans] What iconic rock 'n' roll band did Rolling Stone magazine rank 82nd on its list of 100 greatest artists of all time?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What iconic rock 'n' roll band did Rolling Stone magazine rank 82nd on its list of 100 greatest artists of all time?"

Rolling Stone magazine was founded in San Francisco in 1967 by Jann Wenner and Ralph Gleason. To get it off the ground, Wenner borrowed $7,500 from his own family and from the parents of his soon-to-be wife, Jane Schindelheim. The first issue carried a cover date of November 9, 1967, and was in newspaper format with a lead article on the Monterey Pop Festival. The cover price was 25ยข (equivalent to $1.80 in 2016). In the first issue, Wenner explained that the title of the magazine referred to the 1950 blues song, "Rollin' Stone", recorded by Muddy Waters, the rock and roll band the Rolling Stones, and Bob Dylan's hit single "Like a Rolling Stone":

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What iconic rock 'n' roll band did Rolling Stone magazine rank 82nd on its list of 100 greatest artists of all time?"

Creedence Clearwater Revival:

Creedence Clearwater Revival produced a sound that was a synthesis of rock, swamp pop, R&B and country. Their unique arrangements invoked images of the heart of Americana mixed with the smoldering social issues of the times. The group found its focus and distinctive sound when leader John Fogerty took the reins, steering the band's direction, along with writing and singing almost all their material. CCR put out its final album "Mardi Gras" in 1972. Source: AllMusic.com

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Aug 21, 2017

Which artist's paintings include "Campbell's' Soup Cans" and "Marilyn Diptych"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which artist's paintings include "Campbell's' Soup Cans" and "Marilyn Diptych"? "

Campbell's Soup Cans, which is sometimes referred to as 32 Campbell's Soup Cans, is a work of art produced in 1962. The Marilyn Diptych is a silkscreen painting by American pop artist, The piece is one of the artist's most noted works, and it has been praised by several cultural critics such as Camille Paglia.