Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. These children are criminals! Damage of a house, burning of an old lady and the stealing of her treasure. Who are these two?"
...1. Hansel and Gretel 2. Othello and Desdemona 3. Romeo and Juliet 4. Hamlet and Ophelia The children plead that they were in a state of emergency at the beginning. Abandoned in the woods by their very own father - who claims that he was forced to this by his now late wife, because of a lack of food at home - they were mad from hunger when they reached the victim's house and thought it was made of gingerbread. They say that the girl was forced to work for the "witch" while her brother was locked in and fattened. The attorney suspects that the kind old lady just let the girl work as a repayment for the damage they did at her house, while the boy just stuffed himself. Maybe she locked him in, because she was afraid of him, who knows? The most dangerous of these siblings was the girl: she pushed the old helpless woman into an oven, stating that the poor lady wanted to bake her and her sibling. The woman burnt alive! After that they stole jewels they found and escaped to live with their now widowed father. There can be only one verdict: guilty of murder and robbery. The wrong answers are couples who can be found in Shakespeare's plays.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "6. These children are criminals! Damage of a house, burning of an old lady and the stealing of her treasure. Who are these two?"
Hansel and Gretel:
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