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Feb 5, 2025

[Answer] 5. To understand Maxwell's equations, we'll first have to review a bit of math so that we know what we're looking at. All four equations have to do with properties of the electric and magnetic field vectors. Which of these best describes a vector?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. To understand Maxwell's equations, we'll first have to review a bit of math so that we know what we're looking at. All four equations have to do with properties of the electric and magnetic field vectors. Which of these best describes a vector?"

...1. A quantity that has both size and a direction in space 2. A rate of change 3. A direction in space 4. A number with a real part and an imaginary part Physicists and mathematicians find it useful to make distinctions between two types of quantities that you can measure. One is a scalar, or an ordinary number. It can be used to describe how much something weighs, or how much time is left until supper, or the distance between two cities. The other is a vector, which has both a size (or magnitude) and a direction. Famous vectors include velocity (how fast is that car moving, and in what direction?), force (you don't understand Earth's gravity if you don't know that it's pointing down), and even position (which gives you both distance and direction from a starting point). Electric and magnetic field vectors have size and direction. The direction gives you a sense of which way a charged particle would move in such a field; it moves along the electric field lines (or opposite to them) if it has a positive (or negative) charge, and perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. The size gives you a sense of how much force is applied to a given charge. (An electric field applies a force equal to its own magnitude, times the size of the charge; the force applied by a magnetic field also depends on the charge's velocity.) As you can see, both magnitude and direction are crucial to understanding how the fields operate!

Step 2 : Answer to the question "5. To understand Maxwell's equations, we'll first have to review a bit of math so that we know what we're looking at. All four equations have to do with properties of the electric and magnetic field vectors. Which of these best describes a vector?"

A quantity that has both size and a direction in space:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "5. To understand Maxwell's equations, we'll first have to review a bit of math so that we know what we're looking at. All four equations have to do with properties of the electric and magnetic field vectors. Which of these best describes a vector?"

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