Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which cartoon character was used as the face of the IRS in promotional campaigns?"
Facing wartime shortages in late 1941, the Treasury Department turned to Walt Disney to help rollout expansive new tax programs. Eager to support the war effort, Disney created a seven-minute short titled The New Spirit, which featured Donald Duck filling out his tax forms. The New Spirit earned an Oscar nomination for Best Documentary, leading to the production of a sequel, The Spirit of '43, just in time for the next tax season. Donald Duck was chosen as the star of these shorts because he was the franchise's most popular character at the time, making him the perfect ambassador for the message.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which cartoon character was used as the face of the IRS in promotional campaigns?"
Donald Duck:
Facing wartime shortages in late 1941, the Treasury Department turned to Walt Disney to help rollout expansive new tax programs. Eager to support the war effort, Disney created a seven-minute short titled The New Spirit, which featured Donald Duck filling out his tax forms. The New Spirit earned an Oscar nomination for Best Documentary, leading to the production of a sequel, The Spirit of '43, just in time for the next tax season. Donald Duck was chosen as the star of these shorts because he was the franchise's most popular character at the time, making him the perfect ambassador for the message.
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