Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The Hollywood sign, now an iconic symbol of the entertainment industry, was originally built to advertise what?"
The Hollywood sign, originally built in 1923, was not intended to symbolize the entertainment industry as it does today. Instead, it was created as an advertisement for a real estate development called "Hollywoodland." The sign was part of a promotional campaign to attract buyers to a new housing development in the hills above Los Angeles. Originally, it read "Hollywoodland" and featured flashing lights. Over time, as the film industry grew and the sign became synonymous with Hollywood itself, the "land" portion was removed in 1949, transforming it into the iconic landmark that we recognize today.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "The Hollywood sign, now an iconic symbol of the entertainment industry, was originally built to advertise what?"
A housing development:
The Hollywood sign, originally built in 1923, was not intended to symbolize the entertainment industry as it does today. Instead, it was created as an advertisement for a real estate development called "Hollywoodland." The sign was part of a promotional campaign to attract buyers to a new housing development in the hills above Los Angeles. Originally, it read "Hollywoodland" and featured flashing lights. Over time, as the film industry grew and the sign became synonymous with Hollywood itself, the "land" portion was removed in 1949, transforming it into the iconic landmark that we recognize today.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "The Hollywood sign, now an iconic symbol of the entertainment industry, was originally built to advertise what?"
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