Step 1 : Introduction to the question "5. I am so worried about my nephew. I believe he has a very unhealthy attachment to his mother. On top of that, he really does not seem to like his father at all. Who should I call for help?"
...1. Carl Jung 2. Ivan Pavlov 3. Anna Freud 4. Sigmund Freud Freud believed that during the Phallic Stage of Psychosexual Development children became rivals for the affections of the parent of the opposite sex. Boys want to keep their mothers to themselves and are in hostile conflict with their fathers, and vice versa for girls. His advice: This is perfectly natural. These feelings usually take place on an unconscious level and generally neither the children nor parents are aware of what is going on. Don't worry. Boys will eventually identify with their fathers, and girls with their mothers, taking on the values and morals of the same sex parent.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "5. I am so worried about my nephew. I believe he has a very unhealthy attachment to his mother. On top of that, he really does not seem to like his father at all. Who should I call for help?"
Sigmund Freud:
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